#Sharing to Xmind Gallery
#How to Share to Xmind Gallery
To share your mind map via Xmind, follow these steps:
- Go to the top menu bar and click on File. In the Share section, select the Xmind Share option.
- You can choose to share the Current Map or Current File, and decide whether to publish your mind map in our gallery, then click Upload & Create Link.
After confirming your choice, Xmind automatically generates a copyable link.
Note: All files uploaded to Xmind Share can only be downloaded and are not editable.
#Sharing Mind Maps to Your Blog
To share your mind map to your blog via Xmind, follow these steps:
Go to the top menu bar and click on File. In the Share section, select the Blog option.
You can choose to share the Current Sheet or Current File, and decide whether to publish your mind map in our gallery, then click Upload. After confirming your choice, Xmind automatically generates a copyable embed code.
#Sharing Mind Maps via Email and Social Media
You can share your mind maps via email, social media platforms like Facebook, X, Pinterest, or to Evernote.
Customize Share Preferences Under Preferences > General menu, you can hover over the share icons in the Share section to choose to hide certain sharing options, such as email, Evernote, Facebook, X, and Pinterest.