1. diagnostic criteria
    1. delusions
      1. grandeur
      2. persecution
      3. control
      4. somatic delusions
      5. ideas of reference
      6. thought broadcasting
    2. hallucinations
    3. disorganized or catonic behavior
    4. disorganized speech (loosening of associations)
      1. tangential
      2. flight of ideas
      3. clang associations
      4. word salad
    5. negative symptoms
  2. subtypes
    1. paranoid
    2. disorganized
    3. catatonic
    4. undifferentiated
  3. history
    1. emil kraepelin, "dementia praecox"
    2. eugen bleuler, "schizophrenia"
      1. 4 A's
        1. associations
        2. affect
        3. autism
        4. ambivalence
    3. kurt schneider, "first rank"
  4. differential
    1. substance abuse
  5. associated features
    1. substance abuse
    2. inc. suicide risk
    3. aggression
  6. epidemiology
    1. 1% pop
    2. low SES, "downward drift"
    3. homeless b/c deinstituionalization
    4. inc. risk due to:
      1. "seasonality effect"
      2. "latitude effect"
      3. "urbanicity effect"
  7. onset
    1. typical
    2. late
    3. childhood
  8. etiology
    1. "stress-diathesis"
      1. genetics
      2. pre/perinatal complications
      3. environmental/biological stressor
  9. biological abnormalities
    1. neurochemical (dopamine (DA) hypothesis)
      1. over-activity of mesolimbic DA (+ symptoms)
      2. under-activity of mesocortical DA ( - symptoms)
    2. neurostructural
      1. enlarged ventricles, "ventriculomegaly"
      2. cortical atrophy, "wasting"
      3. small size & disorganization of temporal lobe
    3. neurofunctional
      1. "hypofrontality"
    4. neuropsychological
      1. attention
      2. memory
      3. verbal fluency
      4. "executive" functions
  10. treatment
    1. antipsychotics (neuroleptics)
      1. traditional
        1. thorazine (chorpromazine)
        2. haldol (haloperidol)
      2. atypical
        1. clozaril (clozapine)
        2. risperdal (risperidone)
        3. zyprexa (olanzapine)
        4. abilitat (ariprptazole)
    2. psychotherapy
    3. ect
    4. psychosurgery (prefrontal lobatomy)