1. in the case study it is understood that we jump to conclusions b/c a parent doesn't attend school functions
    1. I have this problem due to attending night school it is very hard for me to attend after school functions
      1. children that seem neglected often stand out/I remember these type of students growing up and it seems as if they are against the world, but maybe they think the world is against them
  2. different stages and issues on how children grow and how they are affected
    1. main developmental domains and its effects and outcomes in children
      1. physical development is how the body changes and how a child reacts to it??? Cognitive Development mainly speaks about the growth of the mind/thnking knowldege expansion of a child and social emotional development is about how the child learns how to handle themselves in social settings.
        1. All these domains do have much to do with growing but how would we know which one affects the child more? wouldn't they all be related?? if a child does not fit in physically would they not be self concious and not be able to interact with the social group well either due to their self concious of being physically different????
    2. nature/nurture/universal/diversity all seem to be the same thing but they are not. They each affect a child's life in a different form or way.
      1. I had nature and nurture definitions turned around. I always thought nature meant surrounding places in which a child grew, and that nurture was the love & affection that was shown to a child growing up.
        1. nature/nurture are what affects a child and gives them their character? Temperments and maturity are said to be hereditary but I always thought a child mimicked its parents. Also, a child you would think would mature at the level a parent treats them.
          1. My 2 girls seem to react or act the same way I do to certain things I do not like. Is this due to the fact that they have some of my genes or is it because of nature/nurture- or because they see my reactions and copy them??? My nephew is almost 16 but it seems as if he is still a child. His parents treat him as such and his social skills are not very expanded-- is this due to the fact that kids his age are interested in other things and he is still stuck in a child state.
          2. the book speaks about how a baby can distinguish voices at a young age/also that children respond differently to an environment. Which can relate to my little one she does not like loud noises or crowded areas. she is shy so this could be why she doesn't like these type of areas. Once she went to daycare she became a little more outspoken but still not completley out of her shell.
      2. universality and diversity also affect a child. diversity mainly seems to deal with culture and the difference in each one. Since each culture raises a child in different ways then for sure the child will mature differently. Physically culture has no control but cognitively it does.
        1. theories that children grow physically & cognitively @ the same rate. other theory that some children may grow @ the same physical rate but not cognitively.
          1. My 7 year old seems to be trapped in her body her thoughts are to advanced for her age/ and as stated earlier my nephew acts like a little kid does all of this have to do with culture??
  3. there are many developmental stage theory and each one seems to be correct in its own way. Theories are seen as blocks that setup the foundation for the growth stages.
    1. growing is seen as steps- Piaget believed that a baby learned thru trial and error and as they grew older they learned thru processing
      1. Erik Erickson believed babies put trust on others for their needs. That babies form identities in which they put a face or voice to someone and recognize them as trustworthy or as their care giver.
        1. My daughters as newborns and early in their months were able to distinguish me from others be it by my voice or smell I don't know but they knew I was their primary care giver.
    2. Behavioral & social learning - the learning is mainly thru environment
      1. Skinner believed that children learned to be rewarded and that they also learned thru experience. ( child afraid of a person that spanks them or mistreats them) He also believed that children learn thru seeing- they observe the consequences a certain behavior will bring
        1. Abby watches her older sister to see what will and won't get her in trouble. She likes to play different cards that usually brings the same consequence.
    3. Psychodnamic theory -internal conflicts and environment
      1. Freud- I remember him as always making everything sexual- that girls want to be boys?
        1. Freud theory that children needed to be able to explore to be able to find their own person/character
      2. Erickson theory that children needed to be able to explore to be able to find their person/character that children had to discover their internal confilcts
        1. Erickson talks about how actions as a child/teenager can affect on in life later
        2. How would a child know what bothers them? they are to young to understand what it is that bothers them. also as teenagers many don't want to talk about anything much less what is bothering them
    4. cognitive developmental theories- is how a person thinks and as the years go by so will the strategy of how they think
      1. Jean Piaget- to try to put yourself in the child's place & be sympathtic
        1. does he mean for us to be sympathetic or to have empathy? the cognitive theory says to see children as children so therefore we would have to try to think as a child to understand
        2. Piaget also mentions that we try to make children understand knowledge that is too advanced for their age, therefore we are stressng them.
          1. does this include school? My Jackie brings much homework that sometimes she seems overwhelmed. could this be happening to many children?
        3. Piaget also mentions that a child might have an extensive understanding of a complex idea but that this does not mean they can understand other complex ideas as extensively.
          1. My daughter is great at reading and English assignments but math seems to really make her struggle would this fall into this explanation?
          2. We must not think that a child can not comprehend any complex idea. Each child has different strengths in different subjects
    5. Social cultural theories-tries to explain how culture and its social surrounding affect the growth of a child
      1. culture takes into place how a child will learn academically. each culture teaches a child in diff. perspectives.
      2. in this theory it is believed that hands on is a good way to teach although sometimes kids just go thru the motions and don't learn
        1. My daughter when practicing her spelling words I make her write them and say them out loud at the same time..But she is only going thru the motions & not paying attention.
  4. Developmental stage theories defines how different factors guide the childs growth
    1. Bronfenbrenner- discusses how the immediate family along with public facilities neighbors and all those that are in close range as the child is growing have an effect on the child
      1. family does play an important role- my daughters are always waiting for a praise and if I happen not to give them one my Abby says "MOM I did this aren't you happy?" Reminding me that she was good so tell her she did a good job
      2. Teacher and parent both have to be on the same page in order to help the child in his or her needs
      3. A childs perspectives and attitudes will change with diff. experiences such as a bully.
        1. this is true my 3 yr old loves going to her learning center when a little boy started bothering her she would cry that she didn't want to go. when she finally told me why we fixed the problem and she no longer fears going to her school.
  5. from theory to practice- use what you learn and apply it to every day life
    1. be positive allow kids to see that you believe in them and that they can accomplish what they set to do
      1. with experience with every child a little praise gives them a good self esteem gives them a boost to try new ideas
      2. try to find the bright side in a difficult situation or try to change the strategy taken.
        1. My Abby does not like to be told what to do when its in a high pitched voice. But when asked nicely & with a please she will not put up a fight
    2. Notice each child and their needs. Give them guidance, encouragement
    3. take notice that is does take time for a child to learn but they are sponges and absorbing every information they recieve
    4. Diversity is important!!! Make sure all children are included and that as an educator we are well informed about other cultures.
    5. Strengthen yourself and continue taking classes to learn new theories in practice