January 23 Steve
review & update policies
validation project
perhaps blend with elearning project
requires dis-interested industry partners
electronic learning resources
project milestones
trainers' milestones
unit & resource development
Subtopic 1
management of student assessment
how distributed for marking?
review the project proposal
Subtopic 1
is english a core competency?
employability skills
record keeping
translation service as a learning resource
assessment is in english
professional development
assessor currency industry standards.
student management
tracking of existing & new student completion rates
monitoring training plan accountability
legislative requirement
condition of employment
contract of employment specify satisfactory progress
model employment documents
steve to follow up
stakeholder management
collate training plans for each Centre
trainer visits
due dates
due dates to correspond with training plan
record on front page of assessment book
specialised support required?
trainers to investigate use of JobReady for tracking
induction to include
training plan
expectation of learners
use of USB
explain assessment details & procedures
study skills development
set up folder & file structure
establish evidence of learning submission procedures
learners expectations of Optimum trainers
accountability tracking
resources and information
referral to additional support if needed & available
support and challenge
standards, integrity, ethics, equity
assist & educate them to guide through the training program
who has completed units?
update of details annually
cohort tracking
need for data
Directors' expectations
11 compulsory units
selection of electives for 4 units
stakeholder cons
Student needs
peer assisted learning
major transitions
routines & cues
behaviour guidance
managing challenging behaviours
learning environment & structures
Communities of Practice
12-15 group viability
Northside cluster
2hr/mth over 12 months
common start date & program
Southside cluster
who's done what?
consult Directors
program sequence
consult students
opportunity cost/benefit proposition
specific units or broader topics which resource units
assessment details
in addition to study time? time of day
access & lockup if after hrs
location availability within hours
furniture requirements
educator learning time occurs within the work day
personnel availability
employability skills checklist
seminar framework
nomination of preferred electives
customised service delivery to clusters by OTD
use of USB for workbooks
evidence collection and file management
submission system
email, or DropBox, or USB
Subtopic 3
stakeholder management
employment conditions
selection of electives
survey data
adjunct programs
get the bloody program
Onwards & Upwards