1. 原则
    1. SRP(Single Responsibility Principle)
    2. OCP(Open Closed Principle)
    3. LSP(Liskov Substitute Principle)
    4. DIP(Dependency Inversion Principle)
    5. ISP(Interface Segregation Principle)
  2. 模式
    1. 原则
      1. Program to an interface, not an implementation
      2. Favor object composition over class inheritance
    2. 创建型
      1. Abstract Factory
      2. Factory Method
      3. Singleton
      4. Builder
      5. Prototype
    3. 结构型
      1. Adapter
      2. Bridge
      3. Composite
      4. Decorator
      5. Facade
      6. Flyweight
      7. Proxy
    4. 行为型
      1. Chain of Responsibility
      2. Command
      3. Interpreter
      4. Iterator
      5. Mediator
      6. Memento
      7. Observer
      8. State
      9. Strategy
      10. Template Method
      11. Visitor
  3. 最佳实践
    1. 构造函数中赋值的成员,而不是虚函数
  4. 方法
  5. 流程
    1. 领域词汇
    2. Use Case