1. Definition
    1. Democracy
    2. Free Market
    3. Build trust & interdependency in Int relations
    4. Endogenous determines the Exogeneous
    5. Likelihood of wars Decrease
      1. more trade = less war
      2. Wars arrive because of mis-understanding
    6. Spread democracy
      1. USA created to spread vision of liberalism
    7. Economic interdependence
    8. Democracy spreading
      1. Democracies don't fight each other?
      2. Democratic Peace theory Kant - 1795 - Perpetual Peace
  2. Systems
    1. International Law & institutions matter
      1. Break laws = get excluded from trade club
    2. They shape 'norms'
    3. Prevent deviation
    4. reduce the cost of uncertainty
  3. States
    1. just part of the system
    2. Should remove their influence from commerce
  4. People
    1. Optimistic of human nature
    2. Progress possible in human affairs
  5. Issues
    1. must spread values to inter-state relations
    2. Mearsheimer
      1. Might is Right - Anarchy is central relative powers concerns impede cooperation
    3. Hegemony Theory keeps Neo-Liberal theory alive
  6. Criticism
    1. Western ideology imposed on others
  7. Types
    1. Classic Liberalism
      1. Law & society moderate anarchy
      2. People have natural rights Democracy
    2. Idealism (inter-war)
      1. Gives liberalism a bad name
      2. Talking shop
      3. League of Nations principle
      4. Didn't work
      5. Open Diplomacy needed - counter intuitive
    3. Neo-Liberalism
      1. Uses mathematical models
      2. Inter-dependence needed with Hegemony Stability = rational cooperation
      3. Counter Point to Neo-realist
      4. Conflict declining
      5. IMF world bank surviving
        1. New legal regimes - Int Crim Court
  8. Realism vs Liberalism
    1. Apples & Oranges
    2. 2 theories are compatible
      1. Can have Trade & War
    3. Liberals Historically get it wrong (2 x WW)
    4. Libs are supported by facts
      1. Increasing trade, Lower war deaths, Culture Matters
    5. Thoughts?
      1. Fukuyama end of History
        1. Liberal ideas grow
      2. Huntington Clash of Civilisations
        1. different culture will clash regardless
  9. Key Concepts
    1. Collective Security
      1. Sy of one is Sy of all
    2. Cosmopolitan Model of democracy
      1. eg. EU, human rights conventions
    3. Democratic peace
      1. restraint with other liberal polities, imprudent with authoritarian states
    4. Democracy promotion
      1. foreign & economic policy to spread liberal values
    5. Enlightenment
      1. Secularism, progress, reason, science, knowledge, freedom
    6. Harmony of interests
      1. natural order among people - get rid of distortions= no war
    7. Idealism
      1. Internationally institutionalise rule of law
    8. Integration
      1. ever closer cooperation
    9. Interdependence
      1. Affected by decisions taken by others
    10. Liberalism
      1. 4 pillars - equal rights;gment only do what people say; property;market driven economy
    11. Nromative
      1. what ought to be
    12. Pluralism
      1. reject realism, primacy of state, national Sy, state are not unitary actors
    13. World Government
      1. peace never achieved in ind state world