1. What?
    1. Good Tester Developer Relationship
      1. The magic ingredient of successful project teams :)
  2. Who?
    1. Tester
      1. Breaking Mindset
    2. Developers
      1. Builder Mindset
  3. When?
    1. Throughout the project lifecycle.
  4. Where?
    1. Same Project
    2. Different Project
  5. Why?
    1. We need each other, both are complementary roles.
    2. We often have opposing biases.
      1. Do this! vs What if!
    3. Critical Distances can lead to Social Distances
      1. Need to keep critical distance without having too much social distance.
  6. How?
    1. Testers Help Developers?
      1. Perform Investigation / Help find root cause, risks, & consequences.
      2. Deep test complex features.
      3. Explore realistic usage patterns from sales, customers, field.
      4. Help them with corner cases.
      5. Practical, & Quick Answers
    2. Developers Help Testers?
      1. Develop/suggest tools to help with testabillity.
      2. Save investigation time - Many times, they already know why it happens!
      3. Create comfortable environment for testers.
      4. Listen to them and provide feedback
  7. Presented by: Rahul Parwal