1. Behaviorism
    1. Contributors
      1. John B. Watson
      2. Ivan Pavlov
        1. Known for classic conditioning (Pavlov dog experiment)
      3. B. F. Skinner
      4. E.L. Thorndike
      5. Albert Bandura
    2. View on Learning
      1. Assumes a learner is passive, responding to environmental stimuli. Learning is defined as a change in behavior in the learner.
    3. View on Knowledge
      1. Knowledge is gained through behavior or reaction to stimuli.
    4. How Instruction is informed
      1. A learners behavior can be changed based on the stimuli. Positive behaviors enforced by positive reinforcement and negative behaviors changed by negative reinforcement.
  2. Constructivism
    1. Contributors
      1. John Dewey
      2. Jean Piaget
      3. Jerome Seymour Bruner
      4. Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
    2. View on Learning
      1. Learning is an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it.
    3. View on Knowledge
      1. Knowledge is constructed, not acquired.
    4. How Instruction is informed
      1. negotiate and have different interpretations . A learner is not a blank slate, but rather brings past experiences and cultural factors.
  3. Social Constructivism
    1. Contributors
      1. Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
    2. View on Learning
      1. Learning happens through the process of asking questions and making sense of the world.
    3. View on Knowledge
      1. Knowledge is reproduced socially.
    4. How Instruction is informed
      1. The teacher is key in these social situations to facilitate learning that is building on existing knowledge.
  4. Humanism
    1. Contributors
      1. Abraham Maslow
        1. Also knows for Maslow's hierarchy of needs
      2. Carl Rogers
      3. Malcolm Knowles
    2. View on Learning
      1. Learning is viewed as a personal act to fulfil one's potential.
    3. View on Knowledge
      1. Discovering knowledge is central to learning.
    4. How Instruction is informed
      1. Learning is student centered and personalized.
  5. Cognitivism
    1. Contributors
      1. Marriner David Merill
      2. Charles Reigeluth
      3. Robert Mills Gagne
      4. Jerome Bruner
      5. Roger Schank
    2. View on Learning
      1. Learning is defined as a change in the learners schemata.
    3. View on Knowledge
      1. the human mind is valuable and necessary for understanding how people learn. Knowledge can be seen as a schema or symbolic mental construction.
    4. How Instruction is informed
      1. The mind is like a computer, when information comes in, it is processed and leads to certain outcomes as a result of thinking.
  6. Pragmatism
    1. Contributors
      1. John Dewey
    2. View on Learning
      1. Process of discovery
    3. View on Knowledge
      1. Experience and input are sources of knowledge
    4. How Instruction is informed
      1. Learning happens with experience