- John B. Watson
Ivan Pavlov
- Known for classic conditioning (Pavlov dog experiment)
- B. F. Skinner
- E.L. Thorndike
- Albert Bandura
View on Learning
- Assumes a learner is passive, responding to environmental stimuli. Learning is defined as a change in behavior in the learner.
View on Knowledge
- Knowledge is gained through behavior or reaction to stimuli.
How Instruction is informed
- A learners behavior can be changed based on the stimuli. Positive behaviors enforced by positive reinforcement and negative behaviors changed by negative reinforcement.
- John Dewey
- Jean Piaget
- Jerome Seymour Bruner
- Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
View on Learning
- Learning is an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it.
View on Knowledge
- Knowledge is constructed, not acquired.
How Instruction is informed
- negotiate and have different interpretations . A learner is not a blank slate, but rather brings past experiences and cultural factors.
Social Constructivism
- Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
View on Learning
- Learning happens through the process of asking questions and making sense of the world.
View on Knowledge
- Knowledge is reproduced socially.
How Instruction is informed
- The teacher is key in these social situations to facilitate learning that is building on existing knowledge.
Abraham Maslow
- Also knows for Maslow's hierarchy of needs
- Carl Rogers
- Malcolm Knowles
View on Learning
- Learning is viewed as a personal act to fulfil one's potential.
View on Knowledge
- Discovering knowledge is central to learning.
How Instruction is informed
- Learning is student centered and personalized.
- Marriner David Merill
- Charles Reigeluth
- Robert Mills Gagne
- Jerome Bruner
- Roger Schank
View on Learning
- Learning is defined as a change in the learners schemata.
View on Knowledge
- the human mind is valuable and necessary for understanding how people learn. Knowledge can be seen as a schema or symbolic mental construction.
How Instruction is informed
- The mind is like a computer, when information comes in, it is processed and leads to certain outcomes as a result of thinking.
- John Dewey
View on Learning
- Process of discovery
View on Knowledge
- Experience and input are sources of knowledge
How Instruction is informed
- Learning happens with experience