1. The Study Definition Dimension
    1. PopulationStudy
      1. PopulationStudyID
      2. DoiRegistry
      3. DoiValue
      4. URL
      5. Name
      6. Description
      7. Abstract
      8. CitationTitle
      9. CitationCreator(s)
      10. CitationPublisher
      11. CitationContributor(s)
      12. CitationLanguageConceptId
      13. Keywords
      14. UniverseSpatialCoverageConceptId
      15. UniverseTemporalCoverage
      16. PhenotypeDescription
      17. OutcomePhenotypeDescription
      18. CovarianceDescription
      19. AnalysisesSupportedConceptID
      20. version
      21. versionDate
    2. methodology
      1. MethodologyId
      2. dataCollectionMethodologyDescription
        1. primaryDataCollection
          1. qualitative
          2. quantitative
        2. secondaryData
      3. dataCollectionMethodologyType
      4. TimeMethod
        1. Description
        2. Type
      5. samplingProcedure
        1. Description
        2. Type
      6. dataCollectionSoftware
        1. softwareName
        2. softwareVersion
        3. softwarePackageType
      7. qualityStatement
        1. StandardName
        2. StandardDescription
      8. PopulationStudyID
    3. "Wave"
      1. WaveId
      2. name
      3. description
      4. instrumentModelTypeConceptId
      5. Date
        1. Start
        2. End
      6. kindOfDataConceptId
      7. authorizationAgencyConceptID
      8. AuthorizingStatement
      9. PopulationStudyId
    4. DDI-L:DataCaptureEvent
      1. DataCaptureEventId
      2. waveId
      3. InstrumentId
      4. completionStatus
      5. dataQualityIndicator
      6. modeOfCollection
        1. Description
        2. Type
      7. dataCaptureCollector
      8. dataSource
        1. Description
        2. Type
      9. dataCaptureEventDate
  2. My Longitudinal Population Study (LPS) Star Schema
    1. The Fact Table
    2. Other Dimensions
      1. DDI-L:Instrument
        1. InstrumentId
        2. about
          1. name
          2. description
          3. InstrumentTypeConceptId
        3. version
        4. versionDate
        5. LanguageConceptId
      2. InstrumentItem
        1. InstrumentItemId
        2. InstrumentId
        3. about
          1. name
          2. description
        4. instrumentItemTypeConceptId
        5. instrumentItemConceptVocabulary
        6. instrumentItemConceptCocabularyId
        7. AlternativeInstrumentItemConceptVocabulary
        8. AlternativeInstrumentItemConceptVocabularyId
        9. ResultNotNullAnswerListConceptVocabulary
      3. Location
        1. LocationId
        2. VillageName
        3. PlaceKind
        4. Latitude
        5. Longitude
      4. Individual
        1. IndividualId
        2. HouseHoldId
        3. GenderConceptID
        4. FirstWaveID
        5. AgeAtFirstWave
        6. YearOfBirth
        7. IsHouseholdHead
  3. The Concept Dimension
    1. InspireConceptId
    2. ConceptID
    3. ConceptVocabulary
    4. ConceptCode
    5. ConceptText
    6. Score
    7. StartDate
    8. EndDate