1. Ideas
  2. Statistical Inferences
  3. Narrative Information
  4. Mind Maps
    1. Less Structured
    2. Informant Friendly
    3. See Buzan & Buzan 1996:53-57
    4. Combine Right Brain/Left Brain
      1. Enhances Creativity
    5. Gestalt Theory
      1. Elements of Learning
        1. Perception
        2. Insight
        3. Meaning
    6. Combine Genogram and Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique Processes
    7. See Wheeldon & Ahlberg 2012:88-91, 99
  5. Quantitative Research
    1. Classical Theory Building
    2. Postpositivist Theory
      1. Ontological View
      2. Like Groups/Connections
    3. Variables
      1. Discrete
      2. Continuous
      3. Independent
      4. Dependent
    4. Probabilistic Approach
    5. Utilizes Numeric Information
    6. Asks the Question What?
    7. Hypothesis Testing
    8. Statistics
      1. Samples
      2. Variances
      3. Mean
      4. Median
      5. Mode
    9. Deductive Approach
  6. Mixed Method
  7. Qualitative Research
    1. Classical Theory Building
    2. Grounded Theory Building
    3. Constructivist Theory
      1. Personal/Subjective
      2. Social Interaction
      3. Personal Histories/Experiences
    4. Inductive Approach
    5. Asks the Questions How and Why?
    6. Reflexive
    7. Flexible
    8. Purposeful Sampling
    9. Methodology
      1. Phenomenology
        1. Experiential Moments
      2. Ethnography
        1. "Thick" Description
      3. Focus Groups
      4. Interviews
  8. Concept Maps
    1. Uses
      1. Theory
      2. Theoretical Framework
      3. Research Method
      4. Analyze Themes
        1. Traditional: ID Themes Before Data Collection
        2. Grounded: ID Themes After Data Collection
      5. Research Design
      6. Organize Projects
      7. Present Results
      8. Reduce Data
      9. Collect Data
      10. Further Discussions
      11. Present Findings
      12. Show Conclusions
    2. See Wheeldon & Ahlberg 2012:47-48
    3. A Form of Language
    4. Concepts
      1. Sign/Symbol
      2. Regularities
      3. Written/Spoken