1. meaning vs. just because
    1. Brainstorming session
      1. Auditions
  2. Andrew & Emma
  3. Suzanne and Brent
  4. Willmark Developments
    1. 204 Church St.
    2. 202 Church St.
      1. Upper - RECOVERY
      2. Lower - Undeveloped
        1. By-Law Amendment Application
        2. Facade Permit Application
  5. Conversations with Willy
    1. Lower - CAFE
      1. Create a BUSINESS PLAN
      2. Create a MARKETING PLAN
      3. Cafe Ideas
        1. Event Services
          1. On-site Events
          2. Theme Events
          3. Sports
          4. Movies
          5. TV
          6. Conversations
          7. motorcycle nite
          8. Bingo Win Celebration
          9. Games night
          10. enactments
          11. Convertable Space
          12. CAFE
          13. BAR
          14. funerals
          15. weddings
          16. Off-site Events
          17. extreme
          18. farm romance
          19. forest escape
          20. seaside escape
    2. Wkly Conversatons
  6. Home life
    1. Motorcycle
      1. by a Stratoliner
      2. sell the Vulcan
    2. Bsmnt Rental
    3. Home projects
      1. Thatch the Lawn
      2. Expand Front Garden
      3. Paint the house
      4. Clean up the 2 part Tanks
      5. Collect Firewood
      6. Finish the floor
    4. Village Retreat
      1. Improve Promotion
      2. Furnish Rooms
      3. Set up the Bsmnt Room
      4. Build Great Room Units
  7. LYTE Energy Solutions
      1. Leslie
      2. Irene Mossop Connection
        1. Babcock Home
        2. Hiedi and Ron Home
      3. Real Estate Drawing
    2. Pizzacalla Bathroom
    3. Ratzlaff Addition