1. The Spectrum of Approaches
    1. Biopsychology:
      1. genetic, hormonal, neurochemical explanations of behaviour
    2. Psychoanalytic
      1. instinctual drives, restricted by the demands of the ego and superego
    3. Cognitive
      1. innate information processing abilities that are constantly refined by experience
    4. Humanistic psychology
      1. accepts basic physiological needs, but focus is on experience
    5. Behaviourism
      1. virtually all behaviour comes from the environment via conditioning
  4. Nature
    1. Roots of the approach
      1. biology
        1. physiology
        2. genetics
        3. nativist philosophy
      2. evolutionary theory
    2. Causes of behaviour
      1. genetic determinism
      2. inherited influence
      3. neurochemical and hormonal influences
      4. brain activity
    3. Methods employed
      1. twin/adoption studies
      2. brain scanning
      3. brain stimulation/brain damage studies
      4. drug testing
    4. Implications
      1. due to biological determinism, behaviour can only be changed through physical means
        1. selective breeding
        2. gene therapy
        3. brain surgery
        4. drugs
    5. Criticisms
      1. reductionist
      2. may neglect environmental influences
  5. Nurture
    1. roots of the approach
      1. emprical philosophy
      2. behaviourism
    2. mind seen as tablua rasa
      1. knowledge, behaviour seen as result of
        1. experience
        2. learning from environment
    3. methods employed
      1. use of conditioning techniques (classical, operational) to affect behaviour
      2. manipulation of social environment to change behaviour
    4. implications
      1. manipulation of reinforcement of environment
      2. anybody can be trained to do anything
    5. criticisms
      1. reductionist
      2. may neglect innate influences
  6. Areas of Explanation
    1. Perception
    2. Aggression
    3. Gender
    4. Abnormality
    5. Language acquisition
  7. Continuum Approach
    1. Cognitive Development
      1. Piaget: Innate schema develop according to influences from environment
    2. Abnormality
      1. e.g. schizophrenia, may have genetic basis, but develops according to environmental conditions
    3. Perception
      1. Blakemore & Cooper: restricted visual environment can physically affect brain structural development
    4. Sex-role behaviour
      1. Physical sex and innate temperament of a new baby elicits sex-typing, this then affects gender development