1. 0.- intro
    1. OS
      1. unix
      2. windows
      3. Mac Os X
      4. Linux
    2. languages
      1. Perl
      2. PHP
      3. Python
      4. Ruby
      5. analogy latin
    3. assembly language MAX speed C portability bit/byte
    4. Hello World
      1. Subtema 1
      2. Subtema 2
      3. Subtema 3
      4. Subtema 4
      5. Subtema 5
      6. Subtema 6
      7. Subtema 7
      8. Subtema 8
      9. Subtema 9
      10. Subtema 10
      11. Subtema 11
      12. Subtema 12
      13. Subtema 13
      14. Subtema 14
      15. Subtema 15
    5. Subtema 5
  2. 1.- basics
    1. taste
      1. hello world
        1. compile and execute 1.- gcc -o helloWorld main.c 2.- ./helloWorld
      2. .1 ..2 ...3
      3. 3*x^2+4x+5
    2. variables
      1. int
      2. char
      3. float
      4. double
      5. printing out and inputting variables %c characters - %d integers - %f floats
        1. output -> printf(" %c %d %f ", ch, i, x);
        2. input -> scanf(" %c ", &ch)
    3. constants
      1. int const pi=3.14 OR const int pi=3.14
    4. arithmetics operations
      1. ( + - * / )
      2. assignment
        1. ++x x=x+1 --x x=x-1
        2. pre-fixed post-fixed
        3. % modulus for integers
        4. floats 3.0/2.0
    5. comparison operators
      1. equals == less than< less than or equals <= greater than > greater than or equals >= not equals!=
    6. logical operators
      1. && logical AND || logical OR
    7. Hello World
      1. Subtema 1
      2. Subtema 2
      3. Subtema 3
      4. Subtema 4
      5. Subtema 5
      6. Subtema 6
      7. Subtema 7
      8. Subtema 8
      9. Subtema 9
      10. Subtema 10
      11. Subtema 11
      12. Subtema 12
      13. Subtema 13
      14. Subtema 14
      15. Subtema 15
    8. ex 1 -> output this .1 ..2 ...3
    9. order of precedence
    10. exercises
      1. 1.- Input two numbers and work out their sum, average and sum of the squares of the numbers.
      2. 2.- Write a program to read a "float" representing a number of degrees Celsius, and print as a "float" the equivalent temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Print your results in a form such as 100.0 degrees Celsius converts to 212.0 degrees Fahrenheit.
      3. 3.- Write a program to read a number of units of length (a float) and print out the area of a circle of that radius. Assume that the value of pi is 3.14159 (an appropriate declaration will be given you by ceilidh - select setup).
      4. 4.- Given as input a floating (real) number of centimeters, print out the equivalent number of feet (integer) and inches (floating, 1 decimal), with the inches given to an accuracy of one decimal place. Assume 2.54 centimeters per inch, and 12 inches per foot. If the input value is 333.3, the output format should be: 333.3 centimeters is 10 feet 11.2 inches.
      5. 5.- Given as input an integer number of seconds, print as output the equivalent time in hours, minutes and seconds. Recommended output format is something like 7322 seconds is equivalent to 2 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds.
    11. ASCII table
      1. img
  3. 2.- Conditionals
    1. If statement
    2. ? operator
    3. switch statement
    4. compare numbers
  4. 3.- looping and iteration
    1. for statement
    2. while statement
    3. do-while statement
    4. create tree
  5. 4- arrays and strings
  6. 5.- functions
  7. 6.- pointers