1. Technical
    1. Should I concentrate on fundamentals? (Data Structures & Algorithms)
      1. Video
        1. Youtube
          1. https://youtube.com/shorts/h06p1sdgtfQ?feature=share
        2. TikTok
          1. https://www.tiktok.com/@glich.stream/video/7121346689872547078
      2. Summary
        1. As a junior, senior, or self-taught software engineer, should I focus on the fundamentals? By fundamentals, I mean data structures and algorithms. The short answer is yes.
        2. Are you going to be using data structures and algorithms in your day-to-day job? Probably not, but studying data structures and algorithms gives you a new perspective on software development.
        3. They give you new ideas, insights, tips, tricks, and techniques with which you can solve problems, or at the very least understand how problems are being solved in the libraries and tools you use every day.
        4. So, beyond the technical interview (which, in my opinion, is broken), studying data structures and algorithms brings a ton of value to your career as a software engineer.
    2. How to grow technically and evolve quickly as a Junior Software Engineer?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    3. How to grow technically and evolve as a Senior Software Engineer?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    4. How do you ramp up when there is no time dedicated for on boarding?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    5. Better effort estimates
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    6. What every software architect must know
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    7. Technical scale is not a startups biggest concern!
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    8. Learning a new programming language
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    9. What is technical debt?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    10. How many tech stacks you should know?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    11. Jack of all trades master of none
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    12. Less code == Less Maintenance
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    13. The PR review etiquette
      1. Video
        1. Youtube
          1. https://youtube.com/shorts/uvEyRtZtl60?feature=share
        2. TikTok
          1. https://www.tiktok.com/@glich.stream/video/7188932322517994758
      2. Summary
        1. Code reviews don't have to be complicated or obscure. Here's what you should be looking for:
        2. 1. The pull request description should adequately document the context of the change.
        3. 2. The functionality should be beneficial for the code's users, both end-users (e.g. customers in a SaaS) and developers. Ask yourself: does the code do what the author claims it does, and have the edge cases been identified and addressed? Are there any security issues with the implementation?
        4. 3. The code should be well-designed. Consider whether the changes introduced make sense, and whether they integrate well with the rest of the codebase. Are there any bad patterns?
        5. 4. The code should not be more complex than necessary. Can you quickly understand the changes (assuming you are familiar with the codebase and have all the context), or do you need further explanation from the author?
        6. 5. The change should not be overengineered. Is the author implementing things they might need in the future but don't know they need now?
        7. 6. Appropriate unit tests should be included.
        8. 7. Comments should be clear and useful. Good comments should mostly explain why, not what.
        9. 8. The code should conform to your team's style guide. Anything else is a nitpick that should be optional to address.
    14. E1 - The FUTURE of Software Engineering
      1. Video
        1. https://youtu.be/axJ_rfzU_7I
      2. Audio
        1. https://anchor.fm/glich/episodes/E1---The-FUTURE-of-Software-Engineering-e1gu5q2/a-a7nmmqr
      3. Summary
        1. This is a conversation with Johannes Nicolai a former Principal Solutions Engineer at GitHub
        2. Johannes Nicolai believes that in the next five years open source projects and enterprises will be able to build projects with just a click of a button. This will lead to an era of joyful experimentation and making software development easier.
        3. Johannes explains that being a solution engineer at GitHub means every day is different and involves working closely with customers and the community. He decided to join GitHub after reading about their incredible concepts such as DevOps, ChatOps, and culture as code.
        4. Bassem asks Johannes how he defines the threshold for overdoing it when it comes to using automation. Johannes responds that it's up to the individual to decide when it becomes too much. He also adds that it can be difficult to change the way a team works, as it requires courage and fighting against the IT department to get the tools of choice.
        5. Bassem then moves the conversation onto the topic of the day, the future of software engineering. Johannes outlines his approach to the topic, involving acceptance, awareness, and narrowing the scope. He also explains that the best way to predict the future is to create it, and with GitHub and other open source communities, it's possible to have some influence in this direction.
        6. In terms of predictions for the next five to ten years, Johannes believes that the technology already exists, but it is unevenly distributed. He mentions his favorite author William Gibson who said the future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed.
        7. Johans believes that GitHub will be a key part of software engineering in the future. He explains that it will make it easier to find, fix and optimize code, as well as to provide insights into the code. It will also provide developers with the ability to easily share their work and collaborate with others.
        8. At the same time, Johannes believes that developers will have to be more aware of security. He believes that security will become more important as the technology evolves, and that developers will need to be cognizant of the risks associated with the technology.
        9. Finally, Johannes believes that the development process will become more automated. He believes that this will make the process more efficient and allow developers to focus on more creative aspects of the project. He also believes that this will lead to more diversity in the open source world.
        10. In conclusion, Johannes believes that software engineering will look very different in the future. He believes that GitHub will be a key part of the process and that developers will need to be more aware of security. He also believes that the development process will become more automated, leading to a new era of joyful experimentation.
    15. E5 - DevOps explained by CoP Director @ GitHub
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    16. E10 - Topics every software engineer MUST KNOW
      1. Video
        1. https://youtube.com/live/gOkx1CyLFvY?feature=share
      2. Audio
        1. https://anchor.fm/glich/episodes/E10---What-technical-books-will-not-teach-you-live-streamed-e1jmgd5/a-a82v95l
    17. E15 - Why is Engineering in Big Tech MUCH more effective?!
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    18. E16 - Why Is Everyone Talking About Data Engineering?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    19. E17 - Within The SPECIAL PROJECTS Team @ GitHub
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    20. E22 - What is Technical Debt & how can we deal with it?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    21. E23 - Software Testing is NOT what you’re familiar with!
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
  2. Soft Skills
    1. Interviewing for the first time
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    2. Traits & Skills of the most valuable engineers I've worked with so far
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    3. How much business domain knowledge should you have as a developer?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    4. E13 - Imposter phenomenon: how I cope with it!
    5. Strategies for Working From Home as a Software Engineer!
      1. Video
        1. Youtube
          1. https://youtu.be/SBCZbJRp7Pk
      2. Summary
        1. 1. Working remotely requires changes at both the individual and organizational level.
        2. 2. Having a structured routine and fixed working hours is essential for increased productivity and avoiding burnout. This includes having a fixed sleeping schedule and working spot. This helps to create a ritual that signals the start and end of the working day, as well as helping to compartmentalize work and life. You should also match your cognitive load with your mental stamina, and incorporate physical activity into your day.
        3. 3. To make the most of working remotely, it is important to understand your circle of influence and the power you have to introduce changes. Organizations and teams must also realize that remote working is a business decision and a fundamental cultural change. This means that everything should be done async by default and meetings should be booked in advance with an agenda and limited to 30 minutes.
        4. 4. In a remote working environment, everything should be written down and documented, fostering a culture of note-taking and transparency. This allows everyone to have access to the work being done, even if they are not part of the direct team.
  3. Engineering Management
    1. Agile is the new waterfall
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    2. E2 - What skills does an engineering manager need?! Engineering Manager @ Red Hat shares his experience
  4. Team Dynamics
    1. Training new hires and junior software engineers
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    2. How can I deal with an engineer is too pedantic?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    3. Toxic work environments - Part 1
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    4. Toxic work environments - Part 2
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    5. E8 - What it is like to work in a non toxic engineering culture?
    6. E25 - Neurodivergence and the tech industry
  5. Mobility & Opportunities
    1. Moving to Europe or the USA as a software engineer
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    2. Being a highly skilled migrant is not a burden!
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    3. E9 - Which is better to work at? Startup, Scale-up, Big Tech?
    4. E12 - Generalist or a specialist software engineer? Which is better?
    5. E20 - Discover your options to get paid as a Software Engineer!
    6. E21 - Engineering in the Arab World vs Europe & USA
    7. E24 - Contracting as a Software Engineer
  6. System Design & Architecture
    1. Architecture Decision Record (ADR)
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    2. Engineering Design Reviews
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    3. The importance of spikes
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    4. The Art of System Design: Practical guide & Lessons from the field
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    5. E14 - What's the role of a Software Architect? Are they REALLY needed?!
  7. Career
    1. Titles in tech are meaningless
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    2. Promotions don't come as a result of hard work!
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    3. Moving into consultancy as an experienced developer
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    4. Is it easier to be hired into a position or promoted into it?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    5. Are coding bootcamps a scam?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    6. If you want to keep enjoying programming, don't make it your job
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    7. Your tech stack IS NOT your identity!
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    8. E3 - Product management career path in enterprises and hypergrowth startups
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    9. E4 - On mental health and gender equality in tech
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    10. E6 - The Key is a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Engineering Culture!
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    11. E7 - How far can you go as a self-taught software developer?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    12. E11 - Preparing for tech interviews
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    13. E18 - The Skills Needed For A Successful Data Analytics Career
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    14. E19 - From Software Engineer to CTO
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    15. E26 - Navigating the Tech Job Market: Insights from a Recruiting Specialist
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
  8. Beginners Corner
    1. Learn programming for beginners short series (5 minutes)
      1. Part 1 - Where to start?
        1. Video
          1. Youtube
          2. https://youtube.com/shorts/SAvDAy2gIpg?feature=share
          3. TikTok
          4. https://www.tiktok.com/@glich.stream/video/7204132976735702277
        2. Summary
          1. To begin programming, start by picking a programming language to learn. Any language will do at this point, but it may be easier to start with Python, Javascript, Ruby, or PHP rather than Go, Rust, C, C++, or Java. Spend your time learning the syntax and basic programming concepts. You can pick any platform for that.
          2. I talked about Exercism in another video. It's a great and free resource to help you learn.
          3. https://www.tiktok.com/@glich.stream/video/7191101268159466757
          4. Next, watch this short video on what to learn and when.
          5. https://www.tiktok.com/@glich.stream/video/7168553775211351301
          6. Don't worry about anything else; just focus on the basics for now. Keep at it until you have covered variables and types, flow control (for, if, else, switch, etc.), and functions.
      2. Part 2 - Focus on building
        1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
      3. Part 3 - Beyond the language
        1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
      4. Part 4 - Working with others
        1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
      5. Part 5 - The internship
        1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    2. Is programming really just copy/pasting?
      1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    3. Finding entry level positions in tech is HARD
      1. Part 1 - The problem
        1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
      2. Part 2 - What you can do about it
        1. Video links & summary provided with the full version
    1. Short
      1. 1 - 3 minutes
    2. Deep dive
      1. 18 - 50 minutes
    3. Podcast Episode
      1. 30 - 60 minutes
    1. © 2023 Interop Services, Bassem Dghaidi
    2. You do not have the permission to reproduce or sample this work without written consent
  11. https://glich.stream
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