1. Artifact Management
    1. As an anonymous user, I want to find all artifacts, so that I can learn the details of every artifact.
    2. As a logged-in user, I want to add an artifact, so that we can keep track of this new artifact in the magic world.
    3. As an anonymous user, I want to find an artifact by Id, so that I can learn the details of this specific artifact.
    4. As a logged-in user, I want to update an artifact, so that I can make sure this artifact's information is update to date and correct.
    5. As a logged-in user, I want to delete an artifact, so that we are no longer tracking this artifact in the system.
    6. As an anonymous user, I want to get a summary of the existing artifacts, so that we can quickly understand the key details of numerous artifacts.
    7. As an anonymous user, I want to find artifacts by Id, name, description, and owner's name, so that I can efficiently discover artifacts that I am interested in.
  2. User Management
    1. As an admin, I want to find all users, so that I can learn the details of every user.
    2. As an admin, I want to add a user, so that this new user can perform privileged operations.
    3. As an admin, I want to find a user by Id, so that I can learn the details of this specific user.
    4. As an admin, I want to update a user, so that I can modify this user's information.
    5. As an admin, I want to delete a user, so that this user can no longer perform privileged operations.
    6. As an anonymous user, I want to log in, so that I can perform privileged operations.
  3. Wizard Management
    1. As a logged-in user user, I want to find all wizards, so that I can learn the details of every wizard.
    2. As a logged-in user, I want to add a wizard, so that we can keep track of this new wizard in the magic world.
    3. As logged-in user, I want to find a wizard by Id, so that I can learn the details of this specific wizard.
    4. As a logged-in user, I want to update a wizard, so that I can make sure this wizard's information is update to date and correct.
    5. As a logged-in user, I want to delete a wizard, so that we are no longer tracking this wizard in the system.
    6. As a logged-in user, I want to assign an artifact to a wizard, so that when a wizard obtains a new artifact, we have the latest ownership information in the system.