1. Process
    1. DNA Replicated
    2. grow
    3. Prophase
      1. Chromosome
        1. coil
          1. maximum
        2. 2 chromatids
          1. sisters
          2. attached
          3. centromere
      2. centrioles
        1. projects
          1. spindles
        2. 2
          1. poles
          2. cell
      3. nucleoli
        1. disappear
    4. Prometaphase
      1. Chromosome
        1. visible
      2. nuclear
        1. envelope
          1. dissolve
      3. kinetochore
        1. microtubules
          1. attach
    5. Metaphase
      1. Chromosomes
        1. line up
          1. equator
          2. cell plate
          3. metaphase plate
        2. centromeres
          1. attached
          2. spindles
    6. Anaphase
      1. Chromosomes
        1. 2
          1. chromatids
          2. pulled
          3. poles
          4. spindles
          5. mechanism
          6. motor proteins
    7. Telophase
      1. Cytokinesis
        1. cell membrane
          1. pinch
          2. create
          3. 2
          4. cells
          5. mechanism
          6. ring
          7. actin
          8. forms
          9. contract
          10. cleavage
          11. furrow
      2. Telophase
        1. Chromosomes
          1. uncoil
        2. nuclear
          1. envelope
          2. reform
    8. Cell Stages of Mitosis Hybrid Animation.FLV
  2. Purpose
    1. Create
      1. identical
        1. copies
          1. mother
          2. cell
    2. Growth
    3. Repair
  3. Evolution
    1. Subtopic 1
  4. Plant Cell
    1. Difference
      1. centrioles
        1. but
        2. still
        3. spindle
        4. ?
      2. cleavage furrow
        1. but
        2. forming
        3. new
        4. cell wall
  5. Binary Fission
    1. origin of replication
      1. sequence
        1. DNA
        2. chromosome
        3. regulate
        4. duplication
    2. cell wall