1. Lesson 1: Don't Neglect the UX: Balance Functionality Testing with Usability Testing
    1. Test for usability
      1. Good Usability = Increased Sellability
    2. Without good usability
      1. People problems > Technical problems
  2. Usability Checkpoints
    1. Clear documentation
    2. Helpful Error messages
    3. Unique Error Codes
    4. Unique Errors
    5. Jargons and Abbreviations Documented
    6. Documentation
    7. Avoid abrupt breaking changes
      1. Mark API's deprecated
  3. Lesson 2: Solve the Problem, don’t just chase Trends: Choose Tools Wisely
  4. Key Parameters for Tool Selection
    1. Supported protocols and standards
    2. The tool should enable your testability
    3. The tool has good documentation and a supportive community.
    4. Integrates with existing systems
    5. Adaptable to changes
      1. New technologies
      2. Changes in market
  5. Lesson 3: Unleash Pairing: Collaborate to Innovate
  6. Collaboration
    1. Pairing with developers
      1. Share knowledge
      2. Technical Skills
      3. Testing
      4. Identify potential risks and challenges
    2. Fosters innovation
    3. Preventing bugs over fixing them
    4. Collaboration TIps
      1. Share your testing plans and results with the developers.
      2. Ask for their input
      3. Debrief your test strategy
      4. Talk about testability
      5. Document your test automation solutions
  7. Collaborate with Curiosity
    1. What have you tested already?
    2. What testing is remaining?
    3. How are you mocking the API for your development?
    4. Do you have some tools that I can also use?
    5. Can we add this feature to enable testability?
    6. What are you worried about?
    7. Do you want me to deep test certain areas?
  8. Key Improvements & Impact
    1. Don't Neglect the UX: Balance Functionality Testing with Usability Testing
      1. Focus on usability
        1. clear and easy-to-follow documentation
        2. helpful error messages
        3. unique error codes,
        4. avoiding breaking changes
      2. Increased the selling potential
      3. Improved feedback
    2. Solve the Problem, don’t just chase Trends: Choose Tools Wisely
      1. Conduct Tool Analysis
      2. Looking for Key Parameters
        1. supported protocols
        2. testability
        3. documentation
        4. community
        5. capabilities
      3. Deep Testing
    3. Unleash Pairing: Collaborate to Innovate
      1. Prevent bugs
      2. Checklists for areas to be tested
      3. Involve whole team into testing
      4. Focus: Task Completion-> Quality Consciousness