1. Mental Health
    1. 12 basic performance characteristics
      1. 1
        1. run
          1. horse
          2. CCC with arrow through them
          3. Don't Criticize, Condemn, complain
      2. 2
        1. zoo
          1. monkeys throwing things
          2. Bouquet of roses being thrown
          3. caring& Appreciation
      3. 3
        1. tree
          1. bending tree
          2. the thinker on the tree
          3. think positive thoughts about yourself and others
      4. 4
        1. revolving door
          1. Blue Billboard (Benefit Ball)
          2. Give before you get
      5. 5
        1. hive
          1. bee hive
          2. cat
          3. smile more
      6. 6
        1. sick
          1. hospital bed with needle
          2. name tag
          3. learn names of people
      7. 7
        1. heaven
          1. stairs that lead to heaven
          2. headphones
          3. be an active listener
      8. 8
        1. gate
          1. old gate swinging
          2. happy boy on the gate
          3. be more childlike
      9. 9
        1. wine
          1. bottle of wine
          2. white unbrella
          3. say no to rumors and gossip
      10. 10
        1. den
          1. lions den
          2. shaking hands with the lion
          3. reach out to people
      11. 11
        1. Football 11
          1. Favorite Football team
          2. terrific
          3. "how are you?"
      12. 12
        1. shelf
          1. things falling off the shelf
          2. Good things
          3. be optimistic
    2. vocabulary chapter 2
      1. Superego
        1. the part of an individuals personality that distinguishes between right and wrong
      2. hierarchy of needs
        1. an ordering of a persons needs from basic to self- fulfillment
      3. coping strategy
        1. a way of dealing with an uncomfortable feeling or situation
      4. self- actualization
        1. the process of striving to reach ones full potential
      5. extrovert
        1. a friendly and outgoing person
      6. psychoanalysis
        1. treatment technique that brings memories into the conscious mind
      7. psychologist
        1. person who studies the human mind and behavior
      8. inborn
        1. inherited traits are biologically passed from parent to offspring
      9. environment
        1. personality traits influenced by this and heredity
    3. vocabulary chapter 4
      1. psychiatrist
        1. a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental disorders
      2. organic disorder
        1. a mental disorder with a physical cause
      3. case history
        1. a brief description of a person who suffers from a particular disorder
      4. somatoform disorder
        1. a mental disorder in which patients complain of physical symptoms, such as pain, that have no underlying physical cause
      5. dementia
        1. common type of organic disorder characterized by an irreversible loss of brain function
      6. hypochondria
        1. somatoform disorder characterized by a constant fear of disease and preoccupation with ones health
      7. dissociative
        1. disorder when people become disconnected from their former identities
    4. organic
    5. mental
    6. somatoform
  2. Stress Management
    1. vocabulary chapter 3
      1. fight or flight
        1. immediate reaction to stress that prepares you to either confront or run away from a stressor.
      2. psychosomatic illness
        1. physical disorder that results from stress or other emotional causes
      3. biofeedback
        1. method of stress management where a person controls physical functions by learning to recognize the bodys signals
      4. hardiness
        1. characteristic od people who show remarkable resistance to stress
    2. personalities
      1. type A
        1. type that is competitive, driven to achieve, and likely to create stressors.
      2. type B
        1. is calm and noncompetitive
    3. stages of stress
      1. 1st stage
        1. alarm
          1. stage of stress in which your body's normal, balanced state is disturbed
      2. 2nd stage
        1. resistance
          1. stage in stress in which the body tries to recover from the alarm stage but still continues to function at a hight- than- normal level
    4. fight or flight is part of the alarm stage in the stages of stress
    5. study skills
      1. Be honest
      2. have fun
      3. take a break
      4. study often
      5. engage
      6. self evaluate
      7. start early
      8. teach
      9. set a goal
    6. VARK (study skill)
      1. visual learning
      2. audio learning
      3. reading
      4. kinesthetic
  3. Chemical
    1. Stimulants
      1. Caffeine
      2. Nicotine
      3. Cocaine
        1. Crack?
      4. Methamphetamine
    2. Depressants
      1. Alcohol
      2. Sleeping Pill
      3. Rohyponol
        1. GHB
      4. Barbiturates
      5. Valium
    3. Hallucinogens
      1. LSD
        1. Acid
      2. Ecstasy
      3. Mushrooms
        1. Mescaline
        2. Poyote
      4. PCP
        1. Horsel
      5. Ketamine
    4. Narcotics
      1. Opium
      2. Heroin
      3. Morphine
      4. Codeine
      5. Methadone
    5. Inhalants
      1. Paint
      2. Markers
      3. Glue
      4. Cleaners
      5. Gasoline
    6. Other ?
      1. Marijuana
        1. THC
      2. OTC
      3. Steroids
    7. vocabulary chapter 19
      1. cirrhosis
        1. a disease in which a scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue
      2. inhibition
        1. the controls that people naturally put on their emotions and behavior
      3. alateen
        1. a support group for teens who live with alcoholics
    8. vocabulary chapter 20
      1. carcinogen
        1. anything that causes cancer
      2. leukoplakia
        1. leathery white patches or sores caused by the use of chewing tobacco
      3. emphysema
        1. a breathing disorder in which the air sacs lose their ability to expand and contract
    9. vocabulary chapter 21
      1. controlled substances
        1. substances whose manufacture, possession, and sale are controlled by law
      2. synergistic
        1. drug interaction that produces greater effects than what two drugs would produce alone
      3. psychoactive
        1. drugs that can alter perception, thought, and mood.
  4. Aging
    1. vocabulary chapter 11
      1. maturity
        1. full grown in the physical sense
      2. arthritis
        1. a disease that cripples people by attacking the joints of the body
      3. Alzheimer's disease
        1. a disease caused by degeneration of brain cells
      4. elasticity
        1. skin loses it when we become older
      5. generativity
        1. the chief task of older adults to achieve
      6. validation
        1. the process of reassuring a person that his or her feelings, ideas, or decisions are reasonable
      7. young adulthood
        1. physical peak
    2. stages of dying
      1. denial
      2. depression
      3. Subtopic 3
      4. bargaining
      5. acceptance
    3. validation is what most adults are trying to achieve
    4. maturity physically
    5. many different diseases when you get older
    6. stages of grief are the same as stages of dying
  5. Disease
    1. vocabulary chapter 24
      1. arteriosclerosis
        1. hardening of the arteries
      2. angina pectoris
        1. chest pain
      3. carcinogen
        1. a cancer causing subtance
      4. atherosclerosis
        1. blood- filled weak spot ballooning out from the artery wall
      5. arrhythmia
        1. irregular heartbeat
      6. electrocardiogram
        1. recording of the hearts electrical activity
      7. aneurysm
        1. life threatening type of irregular heartbeat
      8. fibrilation
        1. fatlike substances are deposited inside artery walls
    2. stroke = brain
    3. heart attack = heart
    4. metastasis= cancer cells multiplying
    5. coronary heart disease
      1. blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle
    6. rheumatic heart disease
      1. disease of the heart valves that results from the same bacteria that causes strep throat
  6. Violence Prevention
    1. vocabulary chapter 7
      1. family violence
        1. children learn by imitating the behavior of parents and other important people in their lives
      2. microinsults
        1. series of small but frequent negative comments about a person
    2. homocide
      1. second leading cause of death from ages 15 to 24
    3. victim
      1. person who suffers violent attack
    4. assailant
      1. the attacker
    5. instigators
      1. starts a fight but stays out of it
    6. discrimination
      1. based on race and/or stereotype
    7. Date rape
      1. can be avoided if you set your boundaries
    8. apologize or walk away
      1. best way to avoid escalating a problem