Performance Appraisal
- 1) Set targets with employee
- 2) Evaluate the employee's progress
- 3) Complete Performance Appraisal Checklist
Pay & Rewards
Financial Rewards
- Basic Wage
- Hourly Rate
- Piece Rate
- Commission
- Bonus
- Benefits-in-kind
- Share Ownership
- Profit Sharing
Non-Financial Rewards
- Job Enlargement
- Job Enrichment
- Improved Working Conditions
Employer/Employee Relations
- Regular Open Communications
- Train Managers
- Train Employees
- Careful Selection
- Grievance Procedures
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
Training & Development
- On-the-job
- Off-the-job
- Development
Recruitment & Selection
- Recruitment
- Selection
Stages in Recruitment and Selection
- 1) Job Description
- 2) Person Specification
3) Encourage suitable candidates to apply
- External
- Internal
- 4) Screening
- 5) Selection Tests
- 6) Interview
- 7) Check References
- 8) Offer the job
Manpower Planning
- What employees/skills have we?
- What do we need?
What do we do next?
- Hire more employees
- Make employees redundant