1. Performance Appraisal
    1. 1) Set targets with employee
    2. 2) Evaluate the employee's progress
    3. 3) Complete Performance Appraisal Checklist
  2. Pay & Rewards
    1. Financial Rewards
      1. Basic Wage
      2. Hourly Rate
      3. Piece Rate
      4. Commission
      5. Bonus
      6. Benefits-in-kind
      7. Share Ownership
      8. Profit Sharing
    2. Non-Financial Rewards
      1. Job Enlargement
      2. Job Enrichment
      3. Improved Working Conditions
  3. Employer/Employee Relations
    1. Regular Open Communications
    2. Train Managers
    3. Train Employees
    4. Careful Selection
    5. Grievance Procedures
  4. Teamwork
    1. Forming
    2. Storming
    3. Norming
    4. Performing
  5. Training & Development
    1. Training
      1. On-the-job
      2. Off-the-job
    2. Development
  6. Recruitment & Selection
    1. Recruitment
    2. Selection
    3. Stages in Recruitment and Selection
      1. 1) Job Description
      2. 2) Person Specification
      3. 3) Encourage suitable candidates to apply
        1. External
        2. Internal
      4. 4) Screening
      5. 5) Selection Tests
      6. 6) Interview
      7. 7) Check References
      8. 8) Offer the job
  7. Manpower Planning
    1. What employees/skills have we?
    2. What do we need?
    3. What do we do next?
      1. Hire more employees
      2. Make employees redundant