1. We're facing headwinds
    1. Teams are Tired(er)
      1. "Just tell me what you want me to do"
    2. Constraints are everywhere
      1. Hiring Restrictions
      2. Budget Scrutiny
    3. Leadership is operating differently
      1. Decisions and approvals face new scrutiny
      2. Delivery expectations seem unbalanced
      3. Messages aren't cascading smoothly or equally
    4. CISOs should adapt their playbook to focus on 3 things
      1. Address the predictable
      2. Reboot communications
      3. Nurture a feeling of community
  2. Address the predictable
    1. 1. Define the tangible expectations / deliverables
      1. Put them on a calendar
        1. Delivery Date
        2. Preparation Time
      2. List contributors
    2. 2. Evaluate
      1. How are they prepared?
      2. How are they delivered?
    3. 3. Improve
      1. Is there a better / faster way?
      2. Is this still right?
  3. Reboot Communications
    1. 1. What needs to be communicated
      1. User impacting technology changes
      2. Integrations and cut/overs
      3. Escalations
      4. Program updates (for executives)
    2. 2. Evaluate
      1. How effective have communications been?
      2. Is this the right format for that message?
    3. 3. Improve
      1. Messages should be consumable
      2. Messages should be where they are expected to be searched for
  4. Nurture the Community Feel
    1. Community = culture
      1. At our best, we deliver our best
      2. People don't quit jobs, they quit managers
      3. You cannot unbreak a toxic culture
    2. Create a feeling of belonging
      1. Shared learning
      2. Empowered cross training
      3. Be wary of forced socializing
    3. Re-energize with intention
      1. Invite the team to help prioritize work
        1. Tackle challenges that the team cares about
      2. Measure
        1. Capture a baseline
        2. Measure and report the team's impact and output
        3. Giving them something concrete to work towards and be proud of
      3. Celebrate
        1. It feels good to be part of the solution
        2. People want to be where they feel good
  5. February 2023