1. How can I do the same?
  2. What do you need?
  3. Mixing & Making Colours
    1. Primary Colours
    2. Making Purple
    3. Finger Painting
  4. Eye Dropper Painting - Suggestion
  5. Making Bubbles
    1. Blowing Bubbles
    2. Catching Bubbles
    3. Bubble Art on Tissue Paper
    4. Soap Bubble Science Experiment
    5. Bubble Wrap Art
  6. Making Ice Cubes
    1. Coloured Ice
    2. Grating Ice
    3. Icing Water with Flowers
    4. Icing water with Sand
  7. How did you do that?
  8. Making Waterfalls
    1. Using Funnels
    2. Using Different Coloured Water
    3. Pouring Water over Rocks
  9. Spray Painting
    1. Toothbrush Painting
    2. Water Trough Play, Swirling ,Mixing Colours
  10. Science Experiments
    1. Observing Detergent mixing with Food Colour
    2. Soda Experiment
    3. Making Milkshakes
  11. Spontaneous Creations
  12. Cooking
    1. Making Marble Cake
    2. Measuring Ingredients
    3. Mixing Ingredients
    4. Making Playdough
    5. Making Cupcakes
  13. Making Sand Castles
  14. Sand Collage - Suggestion
    1. Making Sand Paper
    2. Making Coloured Sand - Suggestion
    3. Layering Coloured Sand in Jars
  15. Mixing Sand
    1. Sand & Water
    2. Sand & Pebbles & Water
    3. Sand & Shaving Cream
    4. Sand & Paint
    5. Sand & Paint & Flowers
  16. Child Initiated Interests
  17. SAND
  19. WATER
  21. Science