1. Methods
    1. High Bit-rate
      1. Spatial Domain
        1. LSB
          1. 1 Bit
          2. 2 Bit
          3. 3 Bit
          4. 4 Bit
        2. Wu and Tsai ( 1998)
        3. Maniccam et al, 2004
        4. Chang et al, 2004
        5. Singh et al, 2007)
        6. Kekre et al, 2008 ( New LSB Method)
      2. Frequency Domain
        1. Swanson, et al, 1997
        2. Chae et al, 1999
        3. Alturki et al, 2001
        4. Yang et al, 2005
        5. Yang et al, 2006
        6. Yang et al, 2008
        7. Naoe et al,2008
    2. Low Bit rate
      1. Spatial Domain
        1. LSB
        2. RSPPMC
        3. Patchwork Method
        4. Texture Block Coding
        5. Self-Similarity Base Scheme
        6. MED ( Minimax Eigenvalue Decomposition )
        7. Langelaar et al. , 2000)
      2. Frequency Domain
        1. Koch and Zhao (1995)
        2. Cox ey al, 1996)
        3. Multi Resolution Technique. Xia et al, 1997)
        4. DWT , Kim and Moon , 1999
        5. Pereir et al, 2000
        6. Cheng and Huang ( 2001)
  2. Requirements
    1. Imperceptible ( Invisibility )
    2. Robust
    3. Statistically Non-detectable
    4. Non-Removable
    5. Capacity
  3. Applications
    1. Secure Communication
    2. Captioning
    3. Metadata in Image
  4. Performance Metrics
    1. Transparency
    2. Channel Capacity
    3. The impact of embedded information on the performance of image compression
    4. Robustness against lossy compression
  5. Stego-systems
    1. Pure systems ( With no Key )
    2. Secret Key Stego system
    3. Public Key Stego system
  6. Conflicts
    1. Subtopic 1
  7. Goal