1. Labels | Div | Para
    1. Check for Spelling issues
    2. Check for Grammatical issues
    3. Check for Font Size, Color and Family
    4. Should be left aligned
    5. Not overlapping with any element
    6. Page Headings and Page Text are distinguished properly
  2. Textfields
    1. Appropriate use of Textbox vs Text Area
    2. Correct Labels are displayed for text fields
    3. Label texts are aligned properly with text fields
    4. Disabled
      1. Check for any prepopulated value
      2. Disabled text fields should be grayed out
      3. Disabled fields should not accept any text
    5. Enabled
      1. Enabled text fields should accept text
      2. Should have Placeholders
      3. Keyboard toggling for enabled fields
      4. * symbol for Mandatory fields
      5. Check Max & Min Length
      6. Check Characters, Numbers and Symbols
      7. Dynamic Scrollbar for text areas
      8. Check with
        1. Single, Multiple, & Leading spaces
        2. Naughty Strings
  3. Dropdown
    1. Down arrow sign on the dropdown
    2. Selecting the arrow sign should display the list
    3. Default selected option in the dropdown list
    4. Mandatory field should force to select a value
    5. Pressing first letter key should select the top key option
    6. Should not be empty
    7. Scroll bar for large dropdown lists
    8. After clicking or selecting an option,dropdown should be highlighted
    9. Sorting order as per requirements
  4. Buttons
    1. Default State: Enabled vs Disabled
    2. Check Clickable and Working
    3. Tab key and Enter key can select this button
    4. Check with single and double click
    5. Hovering the mouse should highlight the button
    6. Spacebar key can click this button
    7. Buttons across the webpage have similar font, color and shape.
    8. Enter or Spacebar keys should select OK button in the alerts.
    9. ESC keys should select Cancel button in the alerts.
  5. Checkbox
    1. Check default state
      1. Enabled
      2. Disabled
      3. Checked
      4. Unchecked
    2. Check tab key is able to highlight the checkbox
    3. Check whether we can check or uncheck
      1. Mouse
      2. Spacebar
    4. Disabled checkbox is not editable or selectable via tab key
  6. Radio buttons
    1. Check whether the default radio button is selected
    2. One radio option from the group should be selected
    3. Check selecting the radio option using mouse click
    4. Checking Tab on the keyboard can highlight the radio button and navigate to other radio options and select using arrow keys.
  7. Hyperlinks
    1. Clicking the hyperlink using mouse.
    2. Hyperlink should take us to the correct place
    3. No broken hyperlinks
    4. Colors on hovering the hyperlink
    5. Same & standard color and style across the website
    6. Hyperlink should have the correct text
  8. Images
    1. Getting displayed
    2. Good resolution images are used
    3. Alignment
    4. Size
    5. Proportionate Scaling is maintained
  9. Numerical Input Fields
    1. Invalid values
    2. Valid values
    3. Verify + and - options
    4. Min and Max values
    5. Min - 1 and Max + 1
    6. Negative numbers
    7. Zero
    8. Decimal
  10. Prompt Messages
    1. Color of messages
    2. Are correct error/warning/success messages displayed?
    3. Proper field level error message should be displayed on validation failure
  11. Logo & Branding
    1. Visible
    2. Clear
    3. Clickable
  12. General Checkpoints
    1. Tab order should go on sequence in the page
    2. Attractive UI
    3. UI of the page should not look clumsy
    4. Responsive
      1. Application should display and work correctly at reduced /different sizes
    5. Accessible with
      1. Mouse
      2. Keyboard
    6. Color Consistency
      1. All pages and UI elements on the page should have proper color consistency
    7. Zoomin and Zoomout
      1. 80%
      2. 120%
    8. Fullscreen mode