Making the city more liveable/pleasant to live
Colouring landscapes
- Extract from Shanghai Times 1924 : advertising spaces as "in-between spaces between grey business space-times vs. coloured leisure space-times
- Painted advertisement on the pavements
Illuminating the city at night : making Shanghai a "magic" city and a city which never sleeps?
- The upper part of the kiosques will be utilized as revolving advertisements electrically lighted at night.Oriental Press. Proposed Advertising kiosks. July 7, 1921. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2615).
Entertaining people
- Lantern slides/Movie/Cinematographic/Stereoscopic/Transmutograph/Panorama/Balloon = advertising as a "modern"/urban entertainment? (ADVERTISING FUN FAIR)
Occupying/filling empty space-times in ordinary daily lives
Advertising at tramway or omnibus stopping places
- Photos
- Sketches
Advertising pillars as commercial monuments in modern cities?
- Modern Publicity Company. 29 June, 1932. Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-14-3257 (2208)
- Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places. Illuminated Advertisement Company. October 12, 1928. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-3-3381 (0224)
- Art Picture Advertising Company. May 27, 1929. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-3-3381 (0274-0276)
- Passengers waiting before hoardings strategically placed along a tramway or bus route. Unlocated, 1948. Source: Pinterest.
By introducing/encouraging "modern" advertising in Shanghai
Promoting professional/legitime/regulated/institutionalized/"civilized" ethics/practices of advertising
Founding associations in order to unite advertising agents and strengthen the profession
- Advertising Association of China, 1924
Erecting in Shanghai first-class/artistic hoardings and "modern" techniques imported from Western countries
- Millington, Limited
- Carl Crow, Incorporated
- Oriental Advertising Agency
Eradicating "primitive"/"barbarian"/uncivilized forms of advertising
Fly-posting: a basic method of billl-posting constantly denounced as a predatory/pirate/barbarian/uncivilized regime of advertising
- Letter to Council from A.G. Hickmott (China Advertising Company), August 2, 1910. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3256 (1971-1973)
- Richard Chester, Proposed amendments to Resolution VI at the RAtepayers' Meeting, March 17, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-2-480 (1873)
- Advertising Association of China First Meeting January 24, 1924. Source: U1-14-3267 (1233-1239)
- C.A. Bacon, Advertising in China, 1929
- Sandwichmen (prohibited in 1931) Source: U1-3-3971
Making the city more convenient
Standardizing urban spacetimes
Giving directions, tram/bus routes or timetables
- Modern Publicity Company. 22 September, 1932. Proposed bus indicator. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3257 (2219)
Universal access to standard time
- Communicatus Advertising Company. July 1932. Proposed Master Clocks at important roads intersections. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3257 (2309-2311)
- Eastern China Advertising Company. Standard Clocks for Advertising Purposes. Sept 1931-July 1932. Source: SMA (SMC) U1-3-3381 (0375)
Standardizing time in Shanghai: homogeneizing spaces and social conditions and/or policing populace/especially workers?
- As we are residents in the International Settlement, we share in the responsibility of improving Municipal Administration. We have our views on the subject and should not refrain from expressing them. Clocks have been set up on busy thoroughfares in Chapei and Nantao, Chinese territory, for the conveniences of the public. Time-pieces in Chinese territory are thus regulated and industrialists, merchants and other residents are benefitted by the plan. Some householders fo not posess time-pieces, and occasionally fail to keep appointments. Workmen cannot afford to provide themselves with time-pieces, and are themselves liable to got to work after the fixed hour. Although some shops have clocks, their time is not always correct. If santadard clocks are set up in the Settlement all time-pieces can naturally be adjusted. Those who possess no time-pieces will observe the time of these clocks and will not fall into error. The benefit will be widespread. The Municipal COuncil must ignore the mesure proposed. Although we are residents of the Interational Settlement, we are not members of the Ratepayer's Association and therefore fin it inexpedient to write direct to that Association. The Ningpo Residents' Guild is asked to write to request the Shanghai Municipal Council to adopt the plan suggested so as to improve Municipal Administration." Letter from the Ningpo Residents' Guild to the Chinese Ratepayers' Association. January 19, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3257 (2298-2300).
Providing modern amenities/public utility (communication)
Advertising kiosks used as letter boxes by the Chinese Post Office
- During the first ten years the Council to have the sole right to use the interior of the kiosks for any purpose they thought fit no doubt arrangements might be made with the Chinese Post Office to use many of them for letter boxes. Atkinson & Dallas, Limited. Advertising Kiosks on pavements. 1920. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2605)
Advertising kiosks for Public Telephones
- The undersigned beg to apply for the permission of installing public-call-kiosks within the Shanghai district. Pars of the call-kiosks to be installed will be used for the purpose of advertisement, as van be seen from the inclosed model. The installation of the call-kiosks should be regarded a necessity, and it can not be understood why in a metropolis there is so little possibility for a passenger-by to receive a telephone-communication immediately. / Reminders would be fixed gratis of the nearest Council Chamber, November 21, 1939. Source: SMCA (SCM), U1-14-3387 (2639-2643) -
Competing with non-commercial telephone kiosks
- Many similar applications have been received from time to time but it has been an invariable rule never to permit such forms of advertising and It do not recommend departing from this rule. The Telephone Company already has telephone kiosks of its own which are of a special pattern approved by the Council and on which no advertisements allowed. Report by Commissioner of Public Works. November 22, 1939. Source: SMCA (SCM), U1-14-3387 (2639-2643)
Before private telephone was brought into domestic spaces
- Advertisement for Shanghai Telephone Company, North China Daily News, October 3, 1932 (p.4)
- Advertisement for Shanghai Telephone Company, Shenbao, February 5, 1941 (p. 10)
Offering advertising structures for Municipal use
To display Municipal Notices
- Part of these should be reserved for officials announcements and information of great utility, such as telephone numbers of Police Stations, Fire Brigade Station, Hospitals, etc.... China Advertising Company (J. Beudin). Proposed Advertising kiosks on public roads. 10 May, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2611)
- T.A. Cooper. Advertising Clocks in Settlements Streets Utilising Poles & Standards of Public Utility Companies. November 2, 1927. Source: SMA, U1-3-3381 (0203)
- Isida Service Association. March 14, 1932. Apparatus containing maps of Shanghai Designed to give information to Public on Payments of Small Fee. Erection at corners of Municipal Streets. Source: SMA, U1-3-3381 (0390)
For specific uses of Municipal Departments/agents
- The interior of this structure which covers about 12 feet could be utilized by the Municipality as a police box, health officer's booth, or electricity Department station. In short we are willing to have the Municipality use the interior of this structure for any purpose that may seem fit to them. Oriental Press. Proposed Advertising kiosks. July 7, 1921. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2617).
Bringing Shanghai in line with Western cities
- Although these kiosks may be considered an innovation in the Settlement, and prejudice may be aroused thereby, we trust the matter may be considered imparially as a step to bring Shanghai in line with Western cities. Atkinson & Dallas, Limited. Advertising Kiosks on pavements. 1920. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2605)
- We would state that if permission is granted us, we will pruchase the ornamental iroo kiosques from Paris, where they are so popular. (...) They are extensively used in Paris, London and Berlin. Oriental Press. Proposed Advertising kiosks. July 7, 1921. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2615).
- These structures are used widely in all cities on the European Continent; undoubtedly some of the most beautiful cities of the World. There is not a question of a doubt as to the fact that the Kiosque adds a great deal to the beauty of many of these Continental towns. We are certain that these structures would be an admirable addition to the appearance of the Model Settlement of Shanghai. Oriental Press. Proposed Advertising kiosks. July 7, 1921. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3387 (2617).