1. Hypothesis Testing
    1. randomized test vs. nonrandomized test
    2. simple test
      1. Prop. 12.1
        1. Lagrange multiplier
      2. def. of LRT
      3. Neyman-Pearson lemma
      4. Prop. 12.3
      5. Corr. 12.4
    3. optimization problem
      1. generalized Neyman-Pearson lemma
    4. Optimal tests
      1. simple test
        1. LRT
      2. composite test
        1. UMP test
          1. method: Thm 12.9
          2. condition: Monotone likelihood ratio
          3. identifiability
          4. L(x) is monotone
          5. results
          6. UMP test
          7. power non-decreasing
          8. minimize
        2. UMPU test
          1. definitions
          2. unbiased test
          3. SOB test
          4. UMPU test
          5. UMP SOB test
          6. nuisance parameter
          7. Neyman structure
          8. bounded complete
          9. lemmas
          10. 1. UMP test is unbiased
          11. 2. unbiased + continuous power = SOB
          12. 3. continuous power + level alpha + UMP SOB = UMPU
          13. cases
          14. one parameter
          15. idea: use UMP SOB to find UMPU
          16. four problems in exponential family
          17. UMP
          18. problem I
          19. problem II
          20. UMPU
          21. problem III
          22. problem IV
          23. high dimensional
          24. idea: UMP conditional test => UMP SOB test => UMPU test
          25. UMP conditional test
          26. use conditioning
          27. need Neyman structure
          28. reduce to univariate case
          29. UMP SOB test
          30. UMPU test
          31. lemmas & properties
          32. unbiased + continuous power = SOB
          33. SOB + bounded complete = Neyman structure
          34. exponential family
          35. dist. of T
          36. dist. of U given T
          37. power function is continuous
          38. four problems in exponential family
          39. reparameterization
          40. directly compute conditional distribution
          41. use TSH Thm 5.1.1
          42. construct V
          43. use Basu's thm
          44. problem I
          45. V=h(u,t) is increasing
          46. problem IV
          47. V=h(u,t) is linear in u and increasing
  2. Permutation Test
    1. problem settings
      1. null: Xi, Yj are from the same distribution
      2. alternative: joint distribution is h
    2. test
      1. power
        1. H0: phi(z) has uniform distribution
        2. H1: depends on h
      2. optimal test
        1. use NP-lemma
        2. h(z) > c(z)
          1. is UMP test
        3. choose c(z) s.t. alpha*(m+n)! permutations are rejected
  3. Rank Test
    1. problem settings
      1. H0: F=G
      2. H1: F <s G
      3. focus on the rank of Y
    2. distributions of rank S
      1. H0: uniform
      2. H1: Hoeffding's formula
        1. two forms
    3. test
      1. general form: \sum h(Sj) > c
        1. Wilcoxon: h(j) = j
        2. normal-score test: h(j) = E(W(j))
      2. locally most powerful test
        1. g = f(x - delta)
        2. NP-lemma
        3. Wilcoxon case
        4. normal-score case
  4. General Linear Models
    1. problem settings
    2. transformations
      1. transform parameter yita
      2. transform coordinate system
        1. find the O
    3. find the complete ss
    4. find the UMVUE for a'\xi
      1. the properties of P
    5. distribution of \xi
    6. distribution of \beta
    7. UMVUE for \sigma^2
    8. Gauss-Markov theorem
  5. Point estimation
    1. Sufficient Statistics
      1. sufficient statistics
        1. def.
        2. checking
      2. minimal sufficient statistics
        1. def.
        2. checking
        3. exponential family
      3. complete
        1. def.
        2. sufficient + complete => minimal
        3. full rank exponential
      4. ancillary
        1. def.
        2. Basu's Theorem
      5. Rao-Blackwell Theorem
    2. Unbiased Estimation
      1. U-estimable
      2. methods to find unbiased estimator
      3. def of UMVU
      4. theorem: T is complete and sufficient, g is U-estimable, then ...
      5. MSE
      6. distributions
        1. normal
        2. gamma
        3. chi-squared
      7. variance bound
        1. Cov^2 <= VarX * VarY
        2. Hammersley-Chapman-Robbins inequality
        3. Cramer-Rao lower bound
        4. Fisher information
          1. definition
          2. reparametrization
          3. exponential family: lower bound achieved by T
          4. invariance in location family
          5. independent X, Y, (X, Y)
        5. High dimensional case
      8. Steps to calculate UMVU
    3. Bayesian Estimation
      1. def. of Bayes estimator
      2. Thm 7.1: Bayes estimator minimize E[L(\theta, \delta) | X = x] a.e. x
      3. commonly used formulas to get Bayes estimator
    4. Empirical Bayes
      1. problem settings
      2. James-Stein lemma
    5. Minimax Estimation
      1. def. of minimax estimator
      2. def. of Bayes risk
      3. def. of least favorable prior
      4. one theorem and two corollaries on minimax
      5. least favorable sequence of prior
      6. Theorem to find minimax estimator
    6. equivariant Estimation
      1. def. of equivariant estimator
      2. def. of invariant loss
      3. def. of invariant function
      4. location family
      5. maximal invariant
      6. minimum risk equivariant estimator
      7. Steps for equivariant estimator
      8. Pitman estimator
  6. Decision Theory
  7. Basics
    1. Generating Functions
      1. MGF: def, uniqueness
      2. moment; cumulant
        1. condition
      3. EXY = EX * EY
        1. independent sum
          1. moment
          2. cumulant
          3. mean
          4. variance
      4. exponential family
    2. Exponential Family
      1. definition
      2. full rank
        1. def.
        2. T is complete
      3. fisher information
      4. continuous power
    3. order statistics
      1. joint distribution
      2. U(i) - U(j)
    4. Distributions
      1. Normal
        1. Multivariate Normal
          1. moment generating function
          2. equivalent definition
          3. generate multi-normal vectors
          4. density
          5. conditional distribution
        2. bivariate normal
          1. density
        3. univariate normal
          1. MGF
          2. characteristic function
          3. (Xbar, S^2) are complete and sufficient
      2. Beta
        1. density
        2. expectation
      3. Gamma
        1. density
        2. MGF
        3. moment
        4. additivity
        5. Chi-squared
          1. MGF
          2. distribution of V
        6. exponential
      4. Poisson
        1. additivity
    5. Taylor Series
      1. e^x
      2. sinx, cosx
      3. 1/(1 - x)