Hypothesis Testing
- randomized test vs. nonrandomized test
simple test
Prop. 12.1
- Lagrange multiplier
- def. of LRT
- Neyman-Pearson lemma
- Prop. 12.3
- Corr. 12.4
optimization problem
- generalized Neyman-Pearson lemma
Optimal tests
simple test
composite test
UMP test
- method: Thm 12.9
- condition: Monotone likelihood ratio
- identifiability
- L(x) is monotone
- results
- UMP test
- power non-decreasing
- minimize
UMPU test
- definitions
- unbiased test
- SOB test
- UMPU test
- UMP SOB test
- nuisance parameter
- Neyman structure
- bounded complete
- lemmas
- 1. UMP test is unbiased
- 2. unbiased + continuous power = SOB
- 3. continuous power + level alpha + UMP SOB = UMPU
- cases
- one parameter
- idea: use UMP SOB to find UMPU
- four problems in exponential family
- problem I
- problem II
- problem III
- problem IV
- high dimensional
- idea: UMP conditional test => UMP SOB test => UMPU test
- UMP conditional test
- use conditioning
- need Neyman structure
- reduce to univariate case
- UMP SOB test
- UMPU test
- lemmas & properties
- unbiased + continuous power = SOB
- SOB + bounded complete = Neyman structure
- exponential family
- dist. of T
- dist. of U given T
- power function is continuous
- four problems in exponential family
- reparameterization
- directly compute conditional distribution
- use TSH Thm 5.1.1
- construct V
- use Basu's thm
- problem I
- V=h(u,t) is increasing
- problem IV
- V=h(u,t) is linear in u and increasing
Permutation Test
problem settings
- null: Xi, Yj are from the same distribution
- alternative: joint distribution is h
- H0: phi(z) has uniform distribution
- H1: depends on h
optimal test
- use NP-lemma
h(z) > c(z)
- is UMP test
- choose c(z) s.t. alpha*(m+n)! permutations are rejected
Rank Test
problem settings
- H0: F=G
- H1: F <s G
- focus on the rank of Y
distributions of rank S
- H0: uniform
H1: Hoeffding's formula
- two forms
general form: \sum h(Sj) > c
- Wilcoxon: h(j) = j
- normal-score test: h(j) = E(W(j))
locally most powerful test
- g = f(x - delta)
- NP-lemma
- Wilcoxon case
- normal-score case
General Linear Models
- problem settings
- transform parameter yita
transform coordinate system
- find the O
- find the complete ss
find the UMVUE for a'\xi
- the properties of P
- distribution of \xi
- distribution of \beta
- UMVUE for \sigma^2
- Gauss-Markov theorem
Point estimation
Sufficient Statistics
sufficient statistics
- def.
- checking
minimal sufficient statistics
- def.
- checking
- exponential family
- def.
- sufficient + complete => minimal
- full rank exponential
- def.
- Basu's Theorem
- Rao-Blackwell Theorem
Unbiased Estimation
- U-estimable
- methods to find unbiased estimator
- def of UMVU
- theorem: T is complete and sufficient, g is U-estimable, then ...
- normal
- gamma
- chi-squared
variance bound
- Cov^2 <= VarX * VarY
- Hammersley-Chapman-Robbins inequality
- Cramer-Rao lower bound
Fisher information
- definition
- reparametrization
- exponential family: lower bound achieved by T
- invariance in location family
- independent X, Y, (X, Y)
- High dimensional case
- Steps to calculate UMVU
Bayesian Estimation
- def. of Bayes estimator
- Thm 7.1: Bayes estimator minimize E[L(\theta, \delta) | X = x] a.e. x
- commonly used formulas to get Bayes estimator
Empirical Bayes
- problem settings
- James-Stein lemma
Minimax Estimation
- def. of minimax estimator
- def. of Bayes risk
- def. of least favorable prior
- one theorem and two corollaries on minimax
- least favorable sequence of prior
- Theorem to find minimax estimator
equivariant Estimation
- def. of equivariant estimator
- def. of invariant loss
- def. of invariant function
- location family
- maximal invariant
- minimum risk equivariant estimator
- Steps for equivariant estimator
- Pitman estimator
- Decision Theory
Generating Functions
- MGF: def, uniqueness
moment; cumulant
- condition
independent sum
- moment
- cumulant
- mean
- variance
- exponential family
Exponential Family
- definition
full rank
- def.
- T is complete
- fisher information
- continuous power
order statistics
- joint distribution
- U(i) - U(j)
Multivariate Normal
- moment generating function
- equivalent definition
- generate multi-normal vectors
- density
- conditional distribution
bivariate normal
- density
univariate normal
- characteristic function
- (Xbar, S^2) are complete and sufficient
- density
- expectation
- density
- moment
- additivity
- distribution of V
- exponential
- additivity
Taylor Series
- e^x
- sinx, cosx
- 1/(1 - x)