1. What?
    1. Social Science
      1. studies
      2. human behaviour
        1. aims
          1. achive
        2. scarce resources
          1. alternate uses
  2. Factors of production
    1. Definition
      1. Resources which we use to produce wealth
    2. What?
      1. land
        1. Provided by nature for the production
        2. return to land is rent
      2. labour
        1. human effort in the production
        2. return to labour is wages
      3. capital
        1. anything made my man which is then used in the production
        2. return to capital is interest
      4. enterprise
        1. organises the other factors and bears the risk involvede in production
        2. return to enterprise is profit
          1. positive
          2. negitive
  3. Opportunity cost
    1. that which is sacraficed in the making of a particular choice
  4. Externalities
    1. the side effect of an action
      1. positive
      2. negative
  5. Wealth and Income
    1. Wealth
      1. stock of value
    2. Income
      1. flow of value
  6. Aims
    1. Achieve the efficient use of scarce resources
    2. achieve an equitable distribution of wealth
    3. create stability in an economy
  7. types
    1. Microeconomics
      1. Individual units
    2. Macroeconomics
      1. entire economy