1. sperm & egg are formed by meiosis
  2. gametogenesis= formation of gametes
  3. spermatogenesis= the formation of a sperm cell
  4. The sperm are developed in coiled tubes called the seminiferous tubules
  5. primary spermatocytes are diploid cells in the prophase of meiosis 1
  6. in secondary spermatocytes meiosis 1 is completed and 2 sister cells are produced. at this stage the cells still contain a duplicated haploid number of chromosomes when meiosis 2 is completed these are sperated and 4 sperm cells with the haploid number of single chromos omes are formed
  7. spermatogenesis takes about 10 weeks
  8. oogenesis= formation of an ova, mature egg cell
  9. oogenesis begins before birth
  10. each follicle contains a primary oocyte, a diploid cell that is resting in prophase of meiosis 1
  11. oocyte completes with the help from FSH from the pituitary
  12. after the oocyte completes meiosis 1 it only produces 1 more cell because of uneven plasma membrane
  13. then when a sperm cell fertilizes the oocyte further it completes to form an ovum
  14. during ovulation a secondary oocyte is released (waiting for sperm to fertilize)
  15. LH makes the follicle rupture and this starts ovulation
  16. ruptured follicle turns into corpus luteum
  17. this makes a basic circle around the ovary which just repeats itself