1. Zeus m. Maia
    1. Hermes
      1. Mercury
      2. Messenger of Jupiter
      3. God of Travelers
      4. God of Thieves
  2. Zeus m. Dione
    1. Aphrodite
      1. Venus
      2. Creation Myth 1
        1. She is old.
        2. Birthed from Ocean in Cypress
        3. To make her an olympian, they created another myth
      3. Creation Myth 2
        1. Birth between Zeus and Dione
      4. Goddess of Love
      5. Mother of Aeneas
        1. therefore, the mother of the mythos of Rome
        2. Incredibly important to Rome.
      6. Athena and Artemis are perpetual virgins
        1. At the most extreme, Aphrodite is always fucking somebody
  3. Zeus m. Semele
    1. Dionysus
      1. Bacchus by both
      2. Imbiber
      3. God of Wine
        1. Incredibly important God
        2. Tragedies and Comedies in Greek were part of Bacchinalias
      4. God of Inspiration
      5. God of the Irrational
        1. Opposite of Apollo
        2. God of the Wild, Disorderly.
  4. Cronus m. Rhea
    1. Hestia
      1. Vesta
    2. Hades
    3. Poseidon
      1. Neptune
      2. Sea
    4. Demeter
      1. Ceres
      2. Grain
    5. Hera
      1. Juno
      2. Marriage
      3. Childbirth
    6. Zeus
      1. Jupiter
      2. Hospitality
        1. In the ancient world there were no hotels everyone was a border and a landlord at a certain time
          1. guest and host was a sacred oath.
  5. Zeus m. Metis
    1. Athena
      1. Minerva
      2. Wisdom
      3. Weaving
      4. War
      5. Perpetual Virgin
  6. Zeus m. Leto
    1. Apollo
      1. Thebes
      2. God of Prophesy
      3. God of Healing
      4. He never misses a shot
      5. Music
      6. Poetry
      7. Reason
      8. Extremely well known in the ancient world
    2. Artemis
      1. Diana
      2. Perpetual Virgin
  7. Zeus m. Hera
    1. Hebe
      1. Minor Figure, served nectar to the gods until Zeus replaced her with a trojan boy
    2. Hephaestus
      1. Vulcan
        1. Blacksmith with the Heart of an Artist
        2. Made Aeneas' Shield
        3. Odd because the gods are usually beautiful, he has a limp
        4. Is married/sexy with Venus
    3. Ares
      1. Mars
        1. War
        2. The Greeks looked down on him, he supported Troy in the Iliad against Athena's Greeks
        3. The Romans loved him
          1. He was the father of Romulus and Remus
    4. Elieithyia
      1. Edited out of the Roman
      2. Her function, Childbirth, given to Hera