1. 5 Steps in REnegotiation
    1. Observe
      1. my own patters in managing time and promises
    2. Assess
      1. who what when where why how
    3. Goal Articulation
    4. Implement
      1. Acknowledge, then make a request (of goal)
    5. Maintain
      1. Common Ground -- holacracy, in writing, check back in
    1. Check in's
      1. email to all active students monthly (on extended pause -- quarterly)
        1. i imagine this may be -- hey when do you want to schedule a meeting
      2. OP check ins regarding content of OP's
        1. content,
      3. Quarterly check ins
        1. budgets, timings, requirements
    2. Tracking in the DB
    3. Pathway Management Support
      1. Stimulation
        1. IT
        2. LCR (i.e. their past)
          1. Subtopic 1
        3. LIPD (i.e. renegotiating what they said they will do)
      2. Lack of communication -- remain ally rather than judge
      3. Lack of engagement vs. over engagement (kapha vs. vata
      4. Not Generating OP's
        1. many support systems -- guild buddies, OP calls, SFA, MA
        2. Reengage from boredom
        3. Fear-- jackal
        4. Limiting thoughts -- jackal
      5. Financial strain
        1. Pause?
      6. Isolation
        1. courses, buddies, community network, skype time
      7. Time management of Pathway
        1. Clear articulation of goals and timeline with OP's, etc. . .and check in when it's not working.
      8. Withdrawl
        1. Encourage them to reconsifder, Gaia can be flexible, pauses with Advising helpful to decrease strain.
    4. Increasing Productivity
      1. SMART
        1. Strategic, Measureable, Achievable, REalistic, Timely
      2. Small goals with Focus and Commitment
        1. develop muscles with small designs
      3. Honesty
        1. Have integrity to do what you say or renegotiate beforehand
      4. Routine Reflection
      5. Getting things Done
        1. Patterns & flows
          1. Create structure to flow within
          2. 15-30 minutes at start or end to decide what to do
          3. 15 - 30 minutes during day to deal with small tasks
          4. 90 minute segments to accomplish something
        2. Packaging Information
          1. Distill to next steps
          2. haikus
        3. Dynamic Adaptability
          1. Make a plan and go with the flow
  3. Floating Topic
  4. Advisor Can Decide
    1. Learning Budget if <100 < 25% to MA and for specialist or an event
    2. Subtopic 2
  5. Advisor <--> Associate
    1. Solution Based Approach to Requirements
      1. GaSADIE onto the solution .. . articulate goals .. .navigate together
    2. Use of budgets, advising hours
  6. Renegotiation Practical for ASSOCIATE
    1. Self
      1. Content
        1. Projects
        2. Skillflexes
      2. Timeline
        1. OP's
        2. PRogram pauses, extensions, etc. .
    2. Advisor
    3. Admin
    4. OR
    1. Adjust or revise previously negotiated agreement
    2. Supports holistic thinking of what is realistic
    3. increases satisfaction -- Care of the People
    4. Accomodates new opportunities
    5. Allows for dynamic process -- win - win
    6. Future oriented -- Avoid fault finding and figure out best way forward
    1. I Don't understand criteria for OP's