- how many married
- most recent married
- longest married
- happily married
- successfully married
half of you will get divorced
- shortest married stats
- divorces after 20,30 even 50 years
- divorce in church is as high as secular stats
the other side
unhappily married people
- why
- shame and tradition
- beliefs
- can't afford to
- children
marriage could be
- happy
- successful
- fullfilling
- joyful
- mat 5:19
- It was not so
- How was it from the beginning?
- Why did you get married
- On a scale of 1-10 where is your relationship now
- if things don't change where will it be next year or 2?
- Where would you want it to be?
- What plans do you have to get it there?
- How would you get there?
- People have no plan
- get married on wave of love
- luke 14:28-30
house plan
- maintainance
- up keep
in the beginning
genesis 1:
- land
- trees
- Recreation
each other
- help meet
- naked
- sex
- food
Genesis 2:
help meet
- helper suitable for him
- Subtopic 2
- financial
recreational plans
- social plans
emotional plans
- meeting emotional needs
functional plans
- shelter/home
- retirement
Clashing of the worlds
- traditional man
- traditional woman
- modern man
- modern women
dealing with emotional needs
- general emotional needs
- gender specific
- cultural emotional needs
- personal needs
getting your needs met
motivating him or her
- intrinisic
- rewards
- punishment
- dealing with love busters
- How