1. Some Important Questions
    1. How much testing have we done?
      1. Status
      2. Scope
      3. Pending (To Do)
      4. In Progress
      5. Risks
      6. Blockers
    2. How thorough has our testing been?
      1. Quick
      2. Practical
      3. Deep
    3. How effective has our testing been?
      1. Product Elements
      2. Quality Criterias
      3. Coverage, etc.?
    4. How much testing is enough?
      1. For Alpha Release
      2. For Stable Version
      3. For Making any Decision
    5. Are we done yet?
  2. Key Components of a Test Report
    1. Report Overview
      1. Summary
      2. Mission
      3. Scope
      4. Key Metrics
      5. Status
        1. Completed?
        2. In-Progress?
      6. Test Environment Details
      7. Version of Product
      8. Duration of Test Cycle
    2. Issue Overview
      1. Blockers
      2. Recommended to Fix
      3. Can be postponed
      4. Anything else?
        1. Change Requests
        2. Known Issues for Release Notes
    3. Test Notes
      1. Test Process
      2. Coverage
      3. Notable Test Results
        1. Contains key issues (worth noting)
        2. Consists of:
          1. Issue Title | ALM Link
          2. Issue Summary
          3. Risk
          4. Implications
  3. Pitfall: Surrogate or Proxy Measures
    1. Traditional test reports often showcase test metrics
    2. Many of the attributes we wish to study do not have generally agreed methods of measurement.
    3. To overcome the lack of measure for an attribute, some factor which "can be" measured is used instead.
    4. These alternate measures are called surrogate measures.
    5. A widely used opportunity for disaster !
    6. Ex: Measuring testers productivity via:
      1. Bugs
      2. Test Case Count
      3. Test Script %
      4. Pass vs Fail %
      5. Pitfall
        1. Wrong Assumption
        2. Used because they are easy to count !