1. What is Lead?
    1. When a person gives his information like name, email id, phone number, etc... in the exchange of some product or service.
  2. What is Lead Generation?
    1. Generating leads for your product or service is called lead generation. As simple as name defines it.
    2. It's the process of attracting & converting people into our customers who are interested in our brand or product.
    3. Examples
      1. Job applications
      2. ebook
      3. Product
      4. Events
      5. Online content
  3. Lead Generation Process
    1. Components of lead generation
      1. Basic elements
        1. Name
        2. Email
      2. Medium elements
        1. Phone Number
        2. Location
        3. Etc...
      3. Advanced (long form lead generation)
        1. What you like?
        2. Your income
        3. How much you want to invest?
        4. And more...
    2. What are the things we need in lead generation?
      1. Landing Page
      2. Optin form
      3. Email Marketing tool
      4. Integration tool
      5. How they look like (Show the samples)
  4. Why Do We Need Lead Generation?
    1. To convert a cold customer into a hot customer
    2. To convert a consumer into our paid customers
    3. To give value out of a product
    4. To get the people into our brand funnel
    5. To stay connected with our customers
    6. To make potential buyers as our customer
  5. Types of Leads
    1. Inbound Leads
      1. meaning
        1. When people comes into your brand and becomes your lead.
      2. Sources
        1. Search Engine
          1. Google
          2. Bing
          3. Yahoo
        2. Social Media following
        3. Calls & Emails
    2. Outbound leads
      1. Meaning
        1. When you outreach to people to attract the leads.
      2. Sources
        1. Ads
          1. Facebook Ads
          2. Google Ads
          3. Twitter Ads
          4. LinkedIn Ads
    3. B2B Leads
      1. Business to Business Leads
    4. B2C Leads
      1. Business to Customer Leads
    5. B2P Leads
      1. Business to People Leads
  6. Lead Generation Marketing
    1. Blog
    2. Social Media
      1. Instagram
      2. Facebook
      3. LinkedIn
      4. Quora
    3. Ads
    4. Free Copies
      1. Free Ebook
      2. Free Trail
    5. Referral Marketing
    6. Content
    7. Email
    8. How to generate leads?
  7. How to generate a lead?