1. Introduction To DS
    1. What Is Data Structure
    2. Need Of Data Structure
    3. Advantages Of Data Structure
      1. Efficiency
      2. Reusability
      3. Abstraction
      4. Efficiency of a program depends upon the choice of data structures.
      5. Data structures are reusable.
      6. Data structure is specified by the ADT which provides a level of abstraction.
    4. Types Of Data Structure
      1. Primitive Data Structure
      2. Non-Primitive Data Structure
        1. Linear
          1. Static
          2. Array
          3. Dynamic
          4. Linked List
          5. Stack
          6. Queue
        2. Non-Linear
          1. Tree
          2. Graph
    5. Data Structure Operations
      1. 1.Traversing
      2. 2.Insertion
      3. 3.Deletion
      4. 4.Searching
      5. 5.Sorting
      6. 6.Merging
    6. - group of data elements which provides an efficient way of storing and organising data. - Some examples of Data Structures are arrays, Linked List, Stack, Queue, etc.
  2. Stack & Queue
    1. Stack
      1. What is Stack ?
      2. Operations of Stack
        1. Push()
        2. pop()
        3. peek()/top()
        4. isEmpty()
        5. isFull()
        6. Insert operation is called push operation.
        7. Delete operation is called pop operation.
      3. Ways To Implement Stack
        1. Static
        2. Dynamic
    2. Queue
      1. What is Queue ?
      2. Operation of Queue
        1. enqueue()
        2. dequeue()
        3. Insert operation is called enqueue operation.
        4. delete operation is called enqueue operation.
  3. Linked List
    1. What is Linked List ?
    2. Why use a linked list over an array?
    3. Types of Linked List
      1. Singly Linked List
        1. Operation on SLL
          1. Insertion
          2. Insertion at beginning
          3. Insertion at end of list
          4. insertion after specified list
          5. Deletion
          6. Deletion at beginning
          7. Deletion at the end of list
          8. Deletion after specified node
          9. Traversing
          10. Searching
      2. Doubly Linked List
      3. Circular Linked List
      4. Doubly Circular Linked List
  4. Tree
  5. Sorting & Hashing
  6. Graph