- GLOBAL GOAL: Promote assertive classroom discussion.
- Observed effects of Human activity
- "Green House" gases effect
- Global Warming observed and expected effects
- Response to Global Warming
- Views on Global warming
- * Explain Global warming observed and expected effects
- Identify Causes and effects
- * Interpret human activity critically
- * Predict on how our country will look like in 20 years
- * Do some research on the topic, outline and discuss possible solutions
Language OF Learning
- Global warming related lexicon
- Descriptive/hypothesising statements
- Modals
- Future and Past tenses
- Conditional tenses
- Cause and effect linking words
Language FOR Learning
- Expressing agreement and disagreement
- Giving opinions
- Designing a campaign on how to help to stop Global Warming
- Group work/negotiation language
- Language for debating
Language THROUGH learning
- Outlining possible solutions
- * Discussion/argumentation Skills
- * Critical Thinking Skills
- * Problem Solving Skills
- Information searching skills
- Observed and expected environmental/lifestyle changes
- *Sharing/negotiating possible solutions in small groups
- Presentation and Video on the observed and expected effects in our country
- Interview with old people to identify the main observable changes