1. GLOBAL GOAL: Promote assertive classroom discussion.
  2. Content
    1. Observed effects of Human activity
    2. "Green House" gases effect
    3. Global Warming observed and expected effects
    4. Response to Global Warming
    5. Views on Global warming
  3. Cognition
    1. * Explain Global warming observed and expected effects
    2. Identify Causes and effects
    3. * Interpret human activity critically
    4. * Predict on how our country will look like in 20 years
    5. * Do some research on the topic, outline and discuss possible solutions
  4. Comunication
    1. Language OF Learning
      1. Global warming related lexicon
      2. Descriptive/hypothesising statements
      3. Modals
      4. Future and Past tenses
      5. Conditional tenses
      6. Cause and effect linking words
    2. Language FOR Learning
      1. Expressing agreement and disagreement
      2. Giving opinions
      3. Designing a campaign on how to help to stop Global Warming
      4. Group work/negotiation language
      5. Language for debating
    3. Language THROUGH learning
      1. Outlining possible solutions
      2. * Discussion/argumentation Skills
      3. * Critical Thinking Skills
      4. * Problem Solving Skills
      5. Information searching skills
  5. Culture
    1. Observed and expected environmental/lifestyle changes
    2. *Sharing/negotiating possible solutions in small groups
    3. Presentation and Video on the observed and expected effects in our country
    4. Interview with old people to identify the main observable changes