4. Testing
- How reliable are the tests?
- Are all the tests equally reliable?
- Testing in diff. countries. Scope & quality.
5. Stats. Spread
Compare stats from diff. countries
- Italy, Spain vs. Portugal.
- Little data from India, Africa, etc.
- East vs. West Europe
- Sweden! Belarus!
- Detected vs. all Covid-positive.
6. Stats. Mortality
- How accurate is death attribution to Corona?
- Is the approach the same in diff countries?
- Mortality and age + preconditions
- Bergamo, lung diseases. Asbestos.
7. Quarantine. Lockdown
- Efficient?
- Lockdown vs. non-lockdown
- Herd immunity?
- Effect on economy.
- Effect on society. Our freedom, etc.
- Impact of shutdown on citizens' health
- What does it mean "pandemic over"?
8. Medicare
- Relative quality of medicare in diff countries
- What needs to be changed / improved? Lessons.
- Methods and equipment
- Masks - efficient?
9. Vaccination
- How quickly it can be developed if ever?
- How reliable it can be?
- How necessary it is?
11. Conspiracy Theories
Planned action
- to "burn the dept".
- to steal our freedom.
- to sell vaccination
- to depopulate Earth
- you name it ...
- Event 201 and other simulations
- Multiple mentions of a global pandemic prior
- Exidential leak of military virus
10. Coverage
- Important questions muted
- Manipulation & propaganda
Alt Media
- Specialists question the narrative
- Important questions asked
3. Virulence
- How deadly?
- How easy it spreads?
- Are there lasting effects?
- Can you get it repeatedly?
2. Origin
- Food market in Wuhan, from wild animals
Bio-weapon, synthetic
- Mutated with HIV?
- Chinese, American?
1. Context
Is it he new thing?
- Other Corona viruses.
- Covid-19 vs. seasonal Flu, etc.
- Covid-19 mortality vs. other common death cases