1. My Projects
    1. Equipment Planning
      1. Document a process and timeline for ordering new equipment
      2. Complete realistic yearly budget
      3. Develop equipment checklist
      4. Implement Session 2
      5. Due 2-17-10
    2. Member Results Tracking
      1. Woody to Develop Spreadsheet
        1. Send out to all 3I Managers and Todd
    3. Instructor Audit
      1. Develop master excel list of all instructors and key info (cert. level, pay, etc.
      2. Due 2-24-10
    4. Orientation Checklist
      1. Managers to schedule presentation time week of 2-22
    5. Orientation Survey
      1. Develop bullet point findings and distribute
      2. GM give names and numbers of original 5
      3. Follow up on 5 week of 2-15-10
      4. Bullet point results due 2-24-10
    6. Package Sign Up Display
      1. Develop package displays at all locations
      2. Meeting Scheduled 2-18
      3. Complete 3-1-10
    7. Cancellation Policy
      1. Rewrite Internal Cancellation Policy
      2. Rewrite External Cancellation Policy
      3. Rewrite and circulate new FIT Agreement
      4. Due 2-12-10
    8. Office Organization Plan
      1. Design core processes, office layout, and file management document
      2. Due 3-3-10
    9. GM Inspection
      1. Distribute Form and begin use
    10. Capacity and Utilization
      1. Design Capacity and reporting model
      2. Capacity and Utilization model with data
      3. Process for use and updating
      4. Insights and utilization trends
    11. Haiti Project
    12. GM Meeting Notes
    13. Machaela Project on Forms
      1. Combining
      2. Money Bag: What's in it?
      3. Meeting scheduled 2-18
  2. GM Meetings
    1. Ashley
      1. Looking for FIT Coach
      2. Grandview, Camp Dodge, East High School
      3. Add 10 Week Testing, Party, and Next Session to Website
      4. Mold
    2. Javier
    3. Shawna
      1. No solvable negative alerts, up to date, will have through T done by eob Friday
      2. Update Website by Next Meeting
      3. Development: Instructors and Marketing
      4. Package Display
      5. Mach Project
        1. What's Needed
        2. Condense
        3. Redesign
        4. Automate
      6. XMind Project
    4. Nicole
      1. Mach Half Sheets
      2. 131 Alerts/ Check Next Monday
      3. March 6 Training at Grimes
      4. Nutrition Step Up
      5. Mirror Issue: Woody taking a look at
  3. Corporate Program
    1. Set initial appointments
    2. Due Week of 2-15-10
    3. Get Eddie model
    4. Decide on program parameters
  4. Team Marketing Efforts
    1. Accelerated Rehab
    2. Camp Dodge
    3. John Deere Booth
    4. Urbandale Schools
    5. Hy-Vee Triathalon
    6. Valley High School
    7. Grandview
    8. East High School
  5. Personal
    1. Basketball Game Reschedule
    2. Book Minneapolis Hotel
  6. GM Meeting
    1. Woody Training Roll Out
      1. Todd
    2. Email Change of Date
    3. Calendar
    4. Share Ideas for Newsletter
    5. Resistance First Training
    6. Donations and Charity
    7. Apparrel
    8. Kids Program
  7. Equipment and Supplies
    1. Gel Purchase
    2. Hillyard Floor Supply
    3. Whole Bands Project
      1. Reconfigure Needs by shaving and/or combining Grimes source
    4. Order FXB Session 2 Supplies
    5. Fill Out Location Expense Reports
  8. Intern Projects
    1. Nutrition
    2. Band Inventory
      1. Inventory Marking
    3. Body Bug Charting
    4. Facility Layout
    5. New Exercise Routines
    6. Instructor Audit
    7. 10 Weeks at a Glance
    8. Interview GM's
  9. Machaela
    1. 10 Week Party
    2. Sign Up Packets
    3. 10 Week T-Shirts
    4. Bring Machaela my Winners Certificate
  10. Eddie/ Woody Meeting
    1. Read and Homework from Eddie email
    2. Print off Project List: Green/ Yellow/ Red
    3. Agenda
      1. Annual Calendar, FIT Clean Up, Project Update, Work Load Sharing,