strategic planning
network design
- more complicated than the traditional network design problem.
- objective: minimizing the generalized cost of travel
- 两阶段法:先确定route(启发式方法),再确定frenquency。
- 三阶段法:先确定网络(简化为一般的网络问题),在确定route和frenquency
- Hasselström’s (1981):同时解决route和frenquency问题,第一次具有实用价值。
- Ceder andWilson (1986):考虑顾客的额外时间(总时间减去最短路时间)
- 元启发式方法:生成路径和频率-评估系统有效性-改进
- 基因算法:能处理更大规模的网络模型
passenger assignment
- objective: minimizing the generalized cost of travel
- important concept: determining the minimum cost path
- Customer arrivals: lower-headway: Possion, long: more sheduled
- 三个难点:顾客到达、汽车到达等的时间相关性;顾客路径选择复杂性;拥堵和车容量