1. Health Consequences
    1. Cardiovascular Disease
      1. ↑Stroke
        1. ↑hypertension
      2. ↑Heart attack
        1. ↑blood pressure
          1. ↑blood cholesterol
    2. Respiratory problems
      1. Breathing blockage
    3. Cancer
    4. Gallbladder disease
    5. Diabetes Type 2
      1. ↑ insulin tolerant
        1. larger fat cell
    6. Sleep apnea
    7. Osteoarthritis
  2. Treatment
    1. Surgical BMI ≥ 40
      1. Malabsorption
        1. removing portions of small intestine
          1. non-reversable
          2. Gastrojujenostomy
          3. Distal Gastric By-pass
          4. Cholecystectomy
      2. Restrictive
        1. reducing capacity of the stomach
          1. reversable
          2. Gastric Banding
    2. Non surgical
      1. Drugs
        1. Sibutramine
          1. decrease food intake
          2. Anorexia
          3. ↑ Blood pressure
        2. Orlistat
          1. decrease the nutrient absorption
          2. Gas
          3. diarrhea
          4. cramping
      2. Lifestyle Changes
        1. Balanced Diet
          1. Food: High in fibers
          2. Drink plenty of water
          3. Limit sweets
          4. Avoid high fat food
          5. Avoid fast food
          6. Low fat food
          7. Don't skip meals
        2. Behaviours and Attitude
          1. Keep a recod of Diet
          2. Learn ways to deal with stress
          3. Attend suport groups
          4. Exercise while watching TV
          5. Realistic enery intake
          6. Eat smaller portions
        3. ↑ Physical activity
          1. Increase in energy expenditure
          2. Improved body composition
          3. Appetite control
          4. Improved self esteem
          5. Mentally active
          6. Increase metabolism
  3. DEATH
  5. Consequences
    1. post operative
      1. Nausea
      2. Vomiting
      3. Infections
      4. Dehydration
    2. Long term
      1. ↑Vitamin deficiencies
      2. ↑Mineral deficiencies
      3. psychological effects
  6. In UAE
  7. National Nutrition Committee
  8. In 2000, WHO said >50% are obese
    1. High income levels
    2. ↑fast food
    3. ↓levels of exercise
  9. Weight Gain
    1. Genetics
      1. Genetics Mutation
        1. prader-willi syndrome
      2. Genetic Influences
        1. Family history
    2. Unhealthy Diet
      1. Fast food
      2. Food:High in fats
      3. Alcohol
      4. Overeating
      5. Skipping meal
      6. Dehydration
      7. Fast paced eating
      8. Increased sweet intake
    3. Environmental
      1. Doesn't play sports
      2. Watching TV
      3. Office work
      4. Spending hours sitting
      5. Inactive lifestyle
      6. Stopped smoking
      7. Hormonal Imbalances
  10. It is the excess body fat accumulation with multiple organ-specific pathological consequences.
    1. Indicators
      1. BMI
        1. BMI >25 Overweight
        2. BMI> 30 Obese
        3. BMI >40 Morbidly Obese
      2. Waist Circumference
        1. Men > 102 cm (40 inch)
      3. Disease Risk profile
        1. Family History Diseases
        2. Smoking
          1. ↑waist circumference
          2. Alters fat distribution
        3. Life threatening Disease
      4. Symptoms
        1. Snoring
        2. Rashes
        3. Lack of energy
        4. Excessive Sweating
        5. Shortness of breath
        6. Difficulty sleeping
        7. pain in the joints and back