Manage pains
- Understand and practice dynamic relaxation
- Overcome pain with auto-hypnosis
- Heal your body and your mind with movement and controlled breathing
Manage emotions
- Understand and control stress
- Manage post traumatic stress
- Control jealousy
- Manage anger and violence
- Get rid of phobias
Manage Sleep
- Restore dreaming, visualising, meditating
- Reprogram your mind
Define and optimise your sleep strategies
- Build your own success rituals
Self Mastery
- Know and master your strength and weaknesses
- Uncover and manage your own behavior strategies
Manage time
- Defeat procrastination
- Learn to prioritise and plan your actions
Mental preparation strategies
Break free from toxic relations
- Become mindful of your condition
- Learn to plan and organise your actions
Learn to control your breathing and to relax
- Heal your mind with movements and meditation
- Restore your dignity and self esteem
Teenagers : Prepare your exams
- Train your concentration
- Manage your sleep more efficiently
- Present with confidence and distinction
Choose your true career path
- Learn to know yourself
- Find your path and project yourself into your future
- Build your own success strategies
Manage your apprenticeships
Manage your carreer
- Become mindful of your potential
- Learn to overcome and manage your frustrations
- Understand how the others function to adapt to them easily
- Learn to plan and organise your actions
- Learn to auto evaluate your progress
- Learn how to compose efficient reports
Manage your job searches
Manage your career change
- Find your path and project yourself into your future
- Plan and organise your career change
- Plan and organise your searches efficiently
- Learn to make good use of your failures as boosts towards success
- Master your job interviews
- Learn to control your breathing and to relax
Manage eSports performance
- Train your concentration
- Crit self presentations and shine brightly around others
- Train and improve your sleep
Heal your mind through movements and controlled breathing
- Learn to master your emotions
- Learn how to care and maintain your nervous system
- Learn to care and maintain your hands and brain
- Learn to maintain your neck and back
- https://en.lgs-solutions.com