1. UI & UX. Сourses
    1. Netology: graphic design basics
    2. Skillbox: UX-design
      1. in progress
  2. SoftwareTesting
    1. became a part of list: Next 125 Awesome Testers You Should Keep Your Eye on Always
      1. https://agiletestingdays.com/blog/next-125-awesome-testers-you-should-keep-your-eye-on-always/
    2. speaker at conferences
      1. AgileTestingDays. Germany
        1. my first talk in English
        2. https://agiletestingdays.com/2018/session/using-8d-approach-to-develop-product-team/
      2. SQADays in Moscow
        1. https://sqadays.com/ru/talk/63373
    3. attended conferences
      1. TestCon Moscow
      2. ITSubbontik by Epam
      3. OnlineTestConf
      4. Heisenbug. Piter
      5. Heisenbug. Moscow
    4. received invitation for podcast
      1. https://www.thebusinessoftesting.com/podcast
    5. completed #30daysofAPItesting
      1. https://club.ministryoftesting.com/c/30-days-of-testing/30-days-of-api-testing
    6. training: Exploratory Sessions with @maaret
    7. learned new technologies and tools
    8. created test strategy for DevOps project with microservice architecture
    9. conducted a lot of workshops and seminars
  3. Sketchnoting
    1. joined #Sketch50 2.0
      1. https://sketch50.org
      2. in Winner List!
    2. conducted my first workshop and organized SketchCaffe
    3. created sketches at conferences
      1. about my sketches https://habr.com/company/jugru/blog/432888/ … on @habr_com
  4. Process Management
    1. KMP I: Kanban System Design
      1. https://edu.leankanban.com/users/darya-manukhina
    2. implemented Kanban for 2 Teams
    3. implemented Discovery Kanban
    4. became Product Owner
    5. attended conference AgileDays in Moscow
  5. Social media
    1. my twitter
      1. @ManukhinaDarya
    2. my blog in Russian
      1. https://testerchronicles.ru
    3. my MindMaps
      1. https://www.xmind.net/share/DaryaManuhina/
    4. my Instagram with my sketches
      1. @manukhinadarya