1. Elements needing tracking
    1. Gaia U Participation
      1. Calls
      2. Action Learning Guilds
      3. Output work
    2. Whatever learning aims are
      1. e.g. SMART Targets
      2. Refer to LIPD
    3. Time
      1. Energy investment in activities
        1. For analysis e.g. low input, high output or not?
        2. Spirals of erosion/ 'wasted time'
    4. My own self care during engagement e.g. burnout edges
  2. Information Management Needs
    1. Bookmarking websites
    2. Reading wishlists
    3. Bookmarked journals & subscriptions
    4. File searching & storage
    5. Learning journal
    6. Photograph & media management
    7. Book note management
  3. Integrating resilience
    1. Resilient IT systems
      1. Back up of files
        1. Online
        2. Hard drives
          1. Different locations
      2. Flexible document formats
        1. Open office
      3. Open source software
      4. Memorable but safe passwords
      5. Document storage online e.g. google docs
      6. Address book & phone
    2. Flexible & integrated formats
      1. Paper notebook
      2. Laptop
      3. Portable
      4. iCal print outs
    3. Support systems
      1. People to cover if having time off
        1. Expected
        2. Unexpected
  4. Outputs
    1. Internal
      1. Life/behavioural change
      2. Journal entries
    2. Project outputs
      1. E.g. social change, events, materials, courses
    3. Design portfolio
      1. Mahara
      2. Wild Heart Permaculture website
    4. Writing & publications
      1. Magazines
      2. Newspapers
      3. Books
    5. Website content
      1. Gaia U Blog & newsletter
      2. Project websites
      3. Wild Heart Permaculture websites
    6. Gaia U Outputs
    7. Knowledge creation
  5. Inputs
    1. Reading/Literature
      1. Websites
      2. Books
      3. Journals
      4. Pdfs/downloaded reports
    2. Gaia U Content
      1. TALC material
      2. Call notes
        1. Radio
        2. All Gaia U Community calls
    3. Observations
      1. Reflective practice
      2. Journaling
      3. Pattern tracking
      4. Photographs & media
    4. Feedback
      1. Advising sessions
      2. Output review
      3. Skill flex advising/tutorials
      4. Relationships
      5. Action Learning Guilds
    5. Action research
      1. Interviews
      2. Popular education/participatory learning
      3. Surveys
  6. Integrated Time Management
    1. Tracking for improvement
    2. Balance
      1. 'Downtime'/social time
      2. Computer free time
      3. Time to self/time with others
      4. Time at home/away
      5. Rewilding vs civilized time
      6. Recharging activities
        1. Gardening
        2. Hardcore shows
        3. Walking/being on land
        4. Medicine making
        5. Breaks away
    3. Minimising time on
      1. Chores, errands, 'faff'
    4. Practices
      1. GTD
        1. Next actions lists
          1. This week
          2. 2013
          3. Categories
        2. Notebook/folder systems
          1. Project notebook
          2. 'Current folder'
      2. Zero inbox policy
        1. Multiple email accounts
        2. Folders
        3. Prioritisiation
        4. Discipline
      3. Batch processing
        1. Train ticket booking
        2. Family calls
      4. Passive/low-input systems
        1. Standing orders etc
      5. Prioritisiation
        1. Flagged emails
        2. 'Letting go'
        3. Liberation ecology criteria
      6. SMART targets
      7. Parkinsons Law
        1. Write articles close to deadlines
      8. Scrum & pauses
      9. Focusing tools
        1. Post-it notes/computer task list system
        2. Desktop/file management
      10. iCal
        1. Categories
        2. Task allocation
        3. Time budgeting
          1. e.g. if you can't make time for it, not going to happen
        4. Paper/computer check-in
  7. Meeting my learning needs
    1. Kinaesthetic learning
      1. Investing in courses & practical experiences
      2. Working/being outside
      3. Pro-active reading e.g. note taking, underlining
    2. Visual-spatial
      1. Mind mapping information
      2. Working on A3
      3. Using images/graphic design
      4. Using mahara
      5. Bullet points
    3. Supportive learning environment
      1. Clean/tidy/organised bedroom
      2. Desk! Space for design work
      3. Ability to play music loud
      4. Balance between office & other environments e.g. cafes, new locations
      5. Fast internet access
      6. Working where can't get online for certain tasks e.g. writing, thinking
      7. Taking breaks outside
    4. Optimising action learning
      1. Designing opportunities for implementation
      2. Ensuring work is necessary, useful & congruent with ecosocial goals
    5. Optimising my support systems
      1. Seeking mentors
        1. Skill Flex advising
        2. Diploma tutorials
        3. Main Advising sessions
        4. Identifying who can help & asking for it
      2. Wider networks
        1. E.g. community organising contacts, permaculture movement etc
      3. Accessing Financial support
      4. The Land
        1. nourisher/recharger
      5. Emotional Support
        1. Care, love & support of friends
        2. Family
        3. Counselling/'professional' help
      6. Spirituality