1. USA
    1. IFS USA
      1. BioArmor Body Fuel
        1. Retail Store Sales
        2. Wholesale Distribution
      2. chef in a Pouch
        1. Retail
        2. Wholesale
    2. Edison Venture Fund USA
      1. Rent Protect (Carfax for Renters)
      2. The New Craigs List
  2. Haiti
    1. Sustainable Agriculture Hive
      1. Farming
        1. Crops from Local Farmers
        2. Company Owned Crops
      2. Factory
        1. Washing/Prep
        2. Packaging
        3. Water Removal Technologies
        4. Blending & Design Kitchen
        5. Simple Foods
        6. Complex Meals
  3. Jamaica
    1. Sustainable Agriculture Hive
      1. Farming
        1. Crops from Local Farmers
        2. Company Owned Crops
      2. Factory
        1. Washing/Prep
        2. Packaging
        3. Water Removal Technologies
        4. Blending & Design Kitchen
        5. Simple Foods
        6. Complex Meals
  4. Israel
    1. Sustainable Agriculture Hive
      1. Farming
        1. Crops from Local Farmers
        2. Company Owned Crops
      2. Factory
        1. Washing/Prep
        2. Packaging
        3. Water Removal Technologies
        4. Blending & Design Kitchen
        5. Simple Foods
        6. Complex Meals
  5. Edison Venture Fund
    1. Compass & Sail - Creative Agency
      1. Software Development
      2. Video Production
      3. Website Design
      4. Backwards Thought Publishing
    2. Life Holdings
      1. Be Healthy Be Happy Health Retreat Centers
      2. Real Estate Development
      3. Marina Development
      4. Block & Concrete Plant
    3. Fastcat Ferry Transport
      1. Florida
      2. Nassau
      3. Andros
    4. IFS Bahamas
      1. Sustainable Agriculture Hive
        1. Farming
          1. Crops from Local Farmers
          2. Company Owned Crops
        2. Factory
          1. Washing/Prep
          2. Packaging
          3. Water Removal Technologies
          4. Blending & Design Kitchen
          5. Simple Foods
          6. Complex Meals
        3. International Food Vault Depository
        4. Bahamas - Joseph Project
          1. Industrial Business Complex
          2. 100 Acre Film Production Studios
          3. Disruptive Film Technologies - all studios will use! ( Production time and cost reduced by up to 80%!)
          4. Contract Productions: $2B/5yrs
          5. RenderStorm Films: $100M/12 films
          6. Torn Together Records
          7. Concert on the Water
          8. Sustainable Energy
          9. BioFuel Production Factory
          10. Solar Panel Array
          11. Wind/Water Energy
          12. New Technology Development
          13. Education
          14. Farming Internships
          15. Intl Agriculture Co-operative
          16. Agribusiness School
          17. Advanced Sports Training
          18. Intl Sports Training Boarding School
          19. Baseball
          20. Soccer
          21. Basketball
          22. Innovation & Technology School
          23. Film & Music School
          24. Architecture Engineering & Design School
          25. Sustainable Homes
          26. 500 Single Family Homes
          27. 400 Condo Units
          28. 2000 Hotel Rooms
          29. 2000 Student Housing
          30. Additional Benefits
          31. Self Reliant Sustainable Food
          32. 1,000 New Jobs
          33. Economic Growth
          34. Enhanced Education
          35. Tourism