- Start Here.
Follow the Timeline and get these Credit Building Cards.
Click the Link inside the Circle to access card.
Any Questions:
Please Text or Call 800.542.6559
1st Kickoff
- $5 Per Month for $750 Credit Balance
2nd Credit Builder Card
- $200 Deposit (1 Secure Credit Card)
- $400 Deposit (2 $200 Secure Credit Cards)
3rd Month Card
- $25 Per Month for 24 Months (Get your money back minus Fees)
- $35 Per Month for 24 Months (Get your money back minus Fees)
- $150 Per Month for 12 Months (Get your money back minus Fees)
- Stop Here Do Not Proceed if you do not have Two or more Credit Cards
5th Month Card
- No upfront Fees Upt to $1000 Credit limit
6th Month
- Credit Limit $500 to $750
6th Month
- Credit Limit Determined by income $500 - $1200
7th Month
- Prequalify up to $10,000