How might we improve what people hear?
Better speaker
multiple screens with audio
Close Captions on Screen
Surround Dolby with Base
Studio Surround Sound
Personal Equipment
Blue tooth
Listen through personal headsets
Dim lights like a theater
Movie sound quality
Louder Volume
Facilities and Environments
Seating for the hearing impaired
Break the room into smaller sections
Entertainment and Venues - Movies, shows, Etc..
Interactive Website connected to the message
Engage All Senses
Hi-Def monitor
People and Partnerships
Sign Language
Hear from the church leaders
Preach from the overflow
How might we help to get people where they want to go?
Phone app the alerts the main sanctuary is full
Digital Sign with number of seat available
Active online map
mobile app with interactive map
Facilities and Environments
Clear signage
Directional arrows on the floor
Active online map
Paper maps of the facility
Self-service experience
marking on the floor for directions
Color code the rooms
Entertainment and Venues - Movies, shows, Etc..
Lots of people to direct you to your seat
Helpers wear twirler flags
Engage All Senses
Make it lively journey to the sanctuary
Take them there
People and Partnerships
Staff directing people
How might we make the experience lively?
Light show during worship
Jumbo tron screen
smoke machine
Engage with Pastor on the screen
Listen through personal headsets
Better quality screens
4K screen
Facilities and Environments
Welcome station with pens and note pads
Concert style seating
Entertainment and Venues - Movies, shows, Etc..
Interactive show
Pop-up-performance of the Praise and Worship Team
Engage All Senses
Make it exciting walking me to my seat
Welcome station
Hand instrument for engage
Accent walls
People and Partnerships
Have a host welcoming
Hype leaders
Facilitate Tribal moments
Praise dancer during worship
Church plants - Active engaging people
How can we make the experience personable?
Cameras in the the extend sanctuary for audience
Use real-time survey
Live mobile chat with people in the room
Welcome video from the pastor
Facilities and Environments
Make the walk to the Exsanct fun like a party
Praise and worship in ExSanct
Take the cameras to the extended sanctuaries
Entertainment and Venues - Movies, shows, Etc..
Clear screen - comfortable space
Better chairs
Live P&W
Unique Genre of music per room
Engage All Senses
Make it a party
Have a meet and great inside the room
Name tags to help meet people
Food and Drinks
Snack station
Announcement Handout
Personalize notes from the pastor
Bonus for sitting in the ExS
People and Partnerships
Zion Team Close Out
Pastor visit all the rooms
Right hand of fellowship from expended sanctuary
Do announcements from various Sanctuaries
Communicators call for Audience shots for ExS