1. Research Villains in Your Genre
    1. Goal
      1. Figure out type of villain of your genre
    2. Questions
      1. Villain's goal
      2. Type of villains
      3. Violent/Non-violent
      4. Backstory
      5. Your opinions
      6. Relate to you?
      7. Why relatable?
      8. Things you don't like about
  2. Figure out the traits of a good villain
    1. Find the traits of a 'good' villain
      1. Not necessarily good
      2. People enjoy reading about
    2. Traits
      1. Turbulent/Dark Backstory
        1. Understand their behavior
      2. Likable character traits
        1. Nice parts of the villain
        2. Good qualities should be there
          1. Don't Redeem Evils
      3. Goal
        1. Opposite
          1. Protagonist
        2. Equal
        3. Compare the goals of a hero
      4. Smart
      5. Terrible qualities
        1. Nasty things
  3. Craft a good backstory for your villain
    1. Reason
      1. Make villain's behaviors understandable (not totally though)
    2. Checklist
      1. Something terrible that could happen to the villain
        1. In line with the character traits
      2. Other authors do with their villains' backstories
      3. Character questionnaire
      4. The past is painful enough to affect present actions
  4. Note your villain's goal
    1. Purpose
      1. Know what they want to achieve
      2. Have a good reason for that
    2. Equal and opposite
    3. Driven by awful backstory
    4. Examples
      1. Bill Lumbergh
      2. Inspector Javert
      3. Jigsaw
      4. Khan Noonien Singh
      5. Loki
  5. Write Your Villain
    1. Villain playlist
      1. Remind you of villain
      2. Villain's attitude or personality
    3. Free write in villain's perspective
      1. Write from villain's perspective
    4. Keep character questionnaires to hand
      1. Villain's behaviors