1. Six Level Model
    1. Runway
      1. Next Actions
    2. 10K
      1. Projects
    3. 20K
      1. Health
      2. Finance
      3. Interview Training
      4. ECE 585
      5. ECE 510
      6. ECE 507
      7. BMRG
      8. Daily Vanguard
      9. TA
      10. RA
      11. GA
      12. GPA
      13. Internship
    4. 30K
      1. On campus job
      2. Thesis Advisor
      3. TA
      4. RA
      5. Internship
    5. 40K
      1. Intel
      2. OPT
      3. H1B
      4. Green Card
      5. Moonlighting
      6. Startup
    6. 50K
      1. Pursuit of Happiness
      2. Conscience
  2. 13 Principles
  3. Next Actions
    1. Write Karmic Koala CD
    2. Email John progress
    3. Call HR about receipt
    4. Call SSN
    5. Check Win 7 shipping
    6. PM vola
    7. get back gelusil
    8. Sign up on intel monitor regularly
    9. Email resume Alex Cope
    10. Get back container from West Hall and 705
    11. Make cover letter and resume and email it to joy for review
    12. Look forward
    13. Ask Mrugesh about remote access
    14. Stay in touch with chunming
    15. Tell mummy to send calc batteries
    16. ask rohan/kunal for pics and video of dinner
    17. listen to internship hunt
    18. Blog about GTD
    19. Blog about intel MODFET story
    20. CAll Makarand and ask him about his story
    21. Upload camera pics on picasa
    22. Backup in Shubham's drive
    23. Try harry lorraine method again
  4. Projects
    1. ECE 585
      1. Use Arjun Method
      2. Document all lectures
      3. Final Project
      4. Term Paper
        1. SSD
        2. Light peak
    2. ECE 510
    3. ECE 507
    4. BMRG
      1. Read papers
      2. Ask about the tutorial
      3. Subtopic 3
    5. TA
      1. Get Mark's Recommendation
      2. Get Roy's recommendation
      3. Get Hall's recommendation
      4. Get Dan's recommendation
      5. Fill TA Form
    6. RA
      1. Impress Dan
    7. GA
      1. Stay in touch with Karen
    8. Daily Vanguard
      1. Nathalie Wollmann Profile due monday
        1. Email Matt for Friday
      2. Soccer Season recap
        1. Email Laura cc to Matt
    9. Downtown Value Inn
      1. Learn Ropes
      2. Collect pay from Ganesh
  5. Someday/Maybe
    1. Wishlist
      1. mouse
      2. digital voice recorder
      3. shoes
      4. shoe-rack
      5. white-board
      6. extender
    2. Interview
      1. Research the company
      2. Read the publications of the particular group
      3. Give a presentation if possible
      4. A video if possible
      5. Learn before hand who sits on the panel
      6. Use requisition number
      7. Problem solving skills are important
    3. Read
      1. Innovator's Dilemma
      2. Only the paranoid survive
      3. Emotional Intelligence
      4. The five dysfunctions of a team
      5. What every CEO wants to know
    4. try gvim
    5. Goto submit transcripts and marksheets next week
    6. Ask Lindaris if I can sit in his Neural class
    7. Ask CS if I can sit in his OS class
    8. Ask Caravan if I can sit in 510 class
    9. Shubham final degree certificate
    10. register samsung cell phone after end of contract
    11. Check wells fargo for internship
    12. Remind Karen about international student profile
    13. Internships only in the portland metropolitan area
    14. Come back to HR every calendar year
    15. Come back to HR after SSN
    16. Get Wells Fargo college Credit card after SSN
    17. Check Wells Fargo for internship
    18. Keep in touch with ICSP
    19. Apply for ISRS next year
    20. Fill GO-20 form in office of graduate studies in the term you wish to graduate
    21. remind kaka about jacuzzi
    22. email Maggie norvell@pdx.edu
    23. Ask for last year's feeds
  6. Waiting For
    1. Avinash
      1. DIC lectures
    2. Prateen, Yashwanth
      1. ASIC
    3. Ajay, Mrugesh
      1. ACA II
    4. Naveen
      1. High performance
  7. Routine
    1. Run, Recite, Call
    2. Recite, Pushup, Call