1. Kristy Mask MEDT 3401 Fall 2011
  2. Tips for using XMind Use Shift+Enter to go down a line in a given bubble Double-click a bubble to edit text.
  3. Top 5 Tools
    1. Personal Response System
    2. Internet
    3. Blackboard Course Web
    4. Smart Board
    5. Power Point & other software
  4. Essential Conditions I Can Influence
    1. Student-Centered Learning
    2. Ongoing Professional Learning
    3. Assessment & Evaluation
  5. 2 Goals
    1. Creative and Innovative and inventiveness with technology lesson plans and instruction
    2. Research and practice on emerging technology and devices
  6. Assistive Technology Tools
    1. Proof Reading Programs
    2. Web accessibility checker
  7. My Threats
    1. Money
      1. Find cheaper ways or get grants
    2. Don't know how to troubleshoot software or device.
      1. Take classes or watch tutorials.
    3. Shortage of Time to find good lessons
      1. Use the summer break to research &/ or subscribe to technology journals or set time each week to look at teaching with technology websites.
  8. My Opportunities
    1. Computers in Classrooms
    2. Students technology smart
    3. Schools are already or looking at using technology
  9. My Weaknesses
    1. I look at every example available so it takes me twice as long
      1. Only look at 1 or 2 examples or tutorials
    2. Make things harder than I should or I over think it.
      1. Stop over thinking it.
    3. Not up-to-date on new technology or software
      1. Workaround
  10. My Strengths
    1. Patience
    2. Willing to learn to learn new things that will help me or make life easier
    3. Know how to work some basic technology and software