- Kristy Mask
MEDT 3401
Fall 2011
- Tips for using XMind
Use Shift+Enter to go down a line in a given bubble
Double-click a bubble to edit text.
Top 5 Tools
- Personal Response System
- Internet
- Blackboard Course Web
- Smart Board
- Power Point & other software
Essential Conditions I Can Influence
- Student-Centered Learning
- Ongoing Professional Learning
- Assessment & Evaluation
2 Goals
- Creative and Innovative and inventiveness with technology lesson plans and instruction
- Research and practice on emerging technology and devices
Assistive Technology Tools
- Proof Reading Programs
- Web accessibility checker
My Threats
- Find cheaper ways or get grants
Don't know how to troubleshoot software or device.
- Take classes or watch tutorials.
Shortage of Time to find good lessons
- Use the summer break to research &/ or subscribe to technology journals or set time each week to look at teaching with technology websites.
My Opportunities
- Computers in Classrooms
- Students technology smart
- Schools are already or looking at using technology
My Weaknesses
I look at every example available so it takes me twice as long
- Only look at 1 or 2 examples or tutorials
Make things harder than I should or I over think it.
- Stop over thinking it.
Not up-to-date on new technology or software
- Workaround
My Strengths
- Patience
- Willing to learn to learn new things that will help me or make life easier
- Know how to work some basic technology and software