1. Categories of wave
  2. The anatomy of the wave
  3. Electromagnetic wave
  4. Machnical wave
  5. Electromagnetic waves
  6. Light
  7. Standing wave
  8. Frequency
  9. wavelength
  10. Wave porperties
  11. Spectrum
  12. benefit of electrimagnetic wave
  13. Magnetic field
  14. Electric field
  15. The absorotion of light
  16. Visible light
  17. The effect of light on life
  18. Soruce of sound
  19. Benefit of light
  20. Sound intensity
  21. Beat
  22. Resonance
  23. Noise pollution
  24. Sound Quality
  25. High - Low pitched
  26. High- low tone
  27. reflection
    1. mirror
  28. refraction
  29. Interference
  30. Diffraction
  31. Benefit of light
    1. optical instrument
    2. mirror
    3. Glasses
    4. Fiber optic
  32. Photograph
  33. Sound