1 - Cover
- What Airbnb does (in one sentence).
- Book rooms with local, rather than hotels.
2 - Market Gaps & Opportunities
- Identify market gaps and potential opportunities existed in current market.
- Price is an important concern for travelers booking online hotels, leaving someone disconnected from the city and its culture. No easy way exists to book a room with a local or become a host.
3 - Solutions
- How Airbnb fill in the market gap and offer its solutions.
- A web platform where users can rent out their spaces to host travelers. To save money while traveling, make money while hosting, share culture and local connection to the city.
4 - Market Validation
- Is there a market there?
- craigslist.com with 670,000 total users; couchsurfing.com 17,000 temporary housing listings in SF and NYC from 7/9-7.16.
5 - Market Size
- Approximate the market size.
- Trips Booking 2 Billion; Budget & Online 560 Million; Trips W/AB&B 84 Million.
6 - Product
How the Airbnb platform works?
- flow chart
- Search by city & date - Review listings - Book
14 - Marketing Strategy
- How Airbnb grows its market?
- Events: target events monthly; partnerships; craigslist: dual posting feature.
- 13 - Competitor Analysis
12 - Competitive Advantages
- Why Airbnb is special? Strengths and uniqueness.
- First to market; host incentive; ease of use; profiles; design and brand.
11 - Team
- Introduction of key persons
- 10 - Press
- 9 - User Testimonials
8 - Financing Goal
- How much money does Airbnb need? Detailed breakdown plan.
7 - Business Model
- How Airbnb gains revenues?
- Airbnb takes a 10% commission on each transaction.
- Proven to be an effective business model